Come Comments On Church

SAT., NOV. 7, 1998, 6:38 PM

As I have purposed for you, you are active in your Presbyterian Church. Yet your activity should be selective, using talents and motivations that are yours to share. You have generally followed My advice, particularly when it matches your own assessment of yourself and your strengths… and weaknesses.

In your younger years I could freely encourage you to work on a weakness until you could overcome it, and function well… or even turn it into a strength. At your age now (and I have counseled you thus in these last years of your active career) it is quite acceptable to avoid areas or acts of service, to your church and to Me, that are difficult for you, opting, instead, to serve boldly and readily, in ways in which you are strong.

The meeting today, of which you were a part (though actually a rather silent “part”), was one to determine the course of action for the Building Committee, given the realities of what the money pledged will “purchase”. Your basic feeling, before the meeting, was that it would be wisest to delay further construction until more pledges had actually been paid… and money was available without heavy borrowing. As you listened to the various perceptions and applications thereof you seemed to be willing to “trust in Me” and “be faithful”, looking for My desire for you folks to translate into “good money fortune”, making it possible for the whole renovation project to be quite successful.

You are not a prophet, so I shan’t tell you how it will come out, but, remember, of course, that I do not, regularly or often, “tinker” with the economics and politics of most people and institutions, including churches. I have told you that, if you have faith in My capacities in this regard, beyond what I usually do or do not do, I shall provide for you and your family, in ways that you wouldn’t expect. I don’t say the same for your church. As a congregation you may need the experience of success in fashioning a newer “plant”. OR you may need the spiritual experience (a chance for growth or for reversion) of an unsuccessful venture, with necessary work undone and unpaid-for. Which shall it be? You’ll have to wait and see.

Tomorrow you have another chance to do what you usually do very splendidly – lead worship service, including the offering of the morning prayer. This is a “high” for you, and I do like your style and the spirit you put into the few lines that you have. Work on the bits of humor that you’ll insert, so they’ll be effective. You are not a “natural humorist”, but it is one aspect of yourself that, while not a strength, is done adequately, fairly comfortably… and these are offered in the spirit of fun that I have told you is My Spirit.

From My “vantage point” I’ll say this is still a viable, useful part of My Body, the Church Universal and Triumphant. It is not My most favorite “type” of church, but it is just about right for you, as Bob Russell, and that’s what is important. I won’t even tell you whether I favor the more liturgical style (like Michael’s “messed-up” Orthodox body) or the more free and unliturgical (the Pentecostal zealots). Neither suits you… or would enhance your relationship with Me, Holy Spirit… which is more important for you, in life now and certainly, in life beyond this incarnation.

You serve Me well, as a member and as Clerk of Session. You needn’t be a leader, in the “classic sense”. Just “lead” through the minutes of meetings that you produce, and by the few comments that I urge you to make. The task that is also one of which I approve is, as you know that of Newsletter writer and editor. You think often of giving this up, but now is not the time. It is a fine service, one I want you to continue to make.

SAT., NOV. 7, 1998, 6:38 PM

As I have purposed for you, you are active in your Presbyterian Church. Yet your activity should be selective, using talents and motivations that are yours to share. You have generally followed My advice, particularly when it matches your own assessment of yourself and your strengths… and weaknesses.

In your younger years I could freely encourage you to work on a weakness until you could overcome it, and function well… or even turn it into a strength. At your age now (and I have counseled you thus in these last years . . .

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