Come, Holy Spirit, Come

JUNE 13, 1979, 5:35 AM

It began as a call from your spirit to the Spirit… that you have never called before. Your initial call was as if the Spirit were away from you and “out there”. Know ye again, that the Spirit that speaks and directs you is within you. “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” I told you at one time to compare these teachings with your favorite Scriptures. You have done this a bit with Ecclesiastes (though not enough) but you have not done this with John and Romans. Read, particularly, John 14, 15 and 16 and see the ways in which We agree. (You had to test Me. You questioned, at that moment, whether I was speaking, or whether it was your imperfect memory. I wrote the chapters on your mind, but you still had to check. Good scholarship, but poor faith. A rhythm, of sorts.)

Yes, I reiterate today that in these times My Spirit and your spirit become One… and the Holy Spirit you call is within you. You write what the Spirit directs you to write. It is instruction, but it is also fellowship, as you notice. I speak with you as a Friend… One who knows you, who knows what you have experienced, what you are experiencing, and how you feel. I am separate and Holy, and I am also as One with your spirit in one of the very ultimate rhythms of life.

Each friendship is a rhythm. (Non-friendships are lack of rhythm… or, at least, bad rhythm.) When the rhythm ceases the friendship is over. When the rhythm IS, a friendship is. A friendship can exist without your consciously knowing it, so I can be in friendship with some people who don’t acknowledge Me with their conscious mind. (Yes, this is how it is with Matthew. The friendship has started, but his mind will not yet sing with Mine. I shall prevail with him.) (You certainly resist being a prophet. I’ve always liked prophets. Just be what I shall have you be)

But the best friendships are those in which both “parties” are conscious of the relationship and knowingly enjoy and grow as a result of it. (Michael and I have a good friendship going. Wendy, too.)

So, it is all right to call “Come Holy Spirit, Come, but be sure and realize that it doesn’t have to be too loud. I am here within you, telling of things great and small.

Yes, you must clarify the philosophy portion of your summer opportunity. People need direction in this, and you’re not very clear about it, actually. Yes, consult My Servant, Art… he can give you some help in this (You are surprised and resistant to writing this. Art is one with whom I have a friendship, but which he will not acknowledge. Strange and yet not. We were just introduced badly, and, as with some human friendship, the introduction can be critical.)

Be not afraid that what you know is inadequate. You are not meant to be an academic philosopher… just a philosophic voice for your rather non-philosophic field. But what you functionally know can be improved, certainly. This is one of those opportunities. Yes, and “print it up”

JUNE 13, 1979, 5:35 AM

It began as a call from your spirit to the Spirit… that you have never called before. Your initial call was as if the Spirit were away from you and “out there”. Know ye again, that the Spirit that speaks and directs you is within you. “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” I told you at one time to compare these teachings with your favorite Scriptures. You have done this a bit with Ecclesiastes (though not enough) but you have not done this with John and Romans. Read, particularly, John 14, 15 and . . .

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