Come Into The Light

FRI., SEPT. 25, 1992, 6:23 AM

You have been awake for some time, but you waited for some light to appear in the sky before you came to Me for this Teaching. Since I am the Light you sought to combine the coming of light in the sky with the light of My communication to you. Yet remember the important analogy: the sun remains in place, so as the earth turns it comes into the constant light of that great orb of Mine… and likewise I am constantly with you, so you must merely turn to Me and receive the benefits of My Light.

But also, as you know, I am not willing, with some, such as you, to remain constant, in waiting for you. I seek you. I come after you. I let you know what I would have you do. You could turn away, of course, but then you would be in relative darkness, as you were before you turned on the light. It would not be complete darkness, for your spirit is such now that it gives forth light. Still, like a flashlight that becomes dim as its batteries lose power, so would your spirit dim in its light as you would be away from Me.

Yes, o son it is like unto a positive addiction. You need a regular infusion of My Light, My Words, My presence in order that your light will shine as it should. Your back is bothersome again, and perhaps this shall be a recurring condition. Be sure that you see it as a reminder to renew your light that it shall be noticed by others and appreciated in their day-to-day life.

Consider the term “light beer.” If it is assumed that the alcohol is an undesirable, even evil, substance then to be “light” means to have less of this evil. But if this product is advertised as “less filling” then “light” becomes undesirable. Hmmm.

You can think of instances when extreme light is harmful, such as in some forms of torture. With the thinning of the ozone layer around the earth (one of My blessings) some rays that come with the light and warmth of the sun will encourage cancer on the skins of some humans, with you having some susceptibility. So light can bring some hardship, and yet it still is the representation of Me.

I say a representation, for though I say I am the Light I must not be seen as bound by such a description. It implies, you see, that if there is no light I am not there. Put aside either/or thinking and know that the full truth is that I also am the Darkness. You know you could have commenced a Teaching when the outside sky was dark, dark. You would need the light on your desk only to write. Light is My best representation, but it must not limit Me and My influence.

When I offer as the tittle, “Come into the Light” there is the implication that you have not been in the light, at least the Light I provide. That’s why the capital is important. (And I insisted that you be consistent this morning). If you turn off your desk lamp there is sufficient light now for you to write, but it would be more difficult. The lamp makes the task easier. So… and I repeat… your spirit is a light, and the spirits of others also provide light, but I am the LIGHT, and when you come to Me life is more “filling” than it would be without Me.

FRI., SEPT. 25, 1992, 6:23 AM

You have been awake for some time, but you waited for some light to appear in the sky before you came to Me for this Teaching. Since I am the Light you sought to combine the coming of light in the sky with the light of My communication to you. Yet remember the important analogy: the sun remains in place, so as the earth turns it comes into the constant light of that great orb of Mine… and likewise I am constantly with you, so you must merely turn to Me . . .

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