Come On, Lord!

TUES., SEPT. 25, 1990, 6:50 AM

I do hear your silent cry to join you in this time of Teaching. You know what you must do this day, and much of it is of interest to Me, you know, so why must I keep you waiting? You just must pull Me into the time frame of the earth. I must hurry because you haven’t used your time as well as you could have.

I am not against your preparing well for your evening class. It is an important class, this one of graduate students in your field. You do the class easily, but the preparation time is important. It was good that you came home yesterday afternoon rather than staying for the movie and the meeting. The balance of what you did was quite acceptable. But you’d better update your list. I told you earlier that even if you are diligent this will be a hectic week.

Yet I say again that it is the farthest thing from “wasted time” when you come to hear from Me. You almost believe this now… but not quite. You still consider what the time will be when the Teaching has been completed… which means you are considering it as a time block that you could use in some other way. I keep urging you to gently lose this feeling. What I want from you is the view that the “time” with Me is not time wasted, not even time spent wisely, but outside of time. This is your small step out of the earth and into eternity and everlasting life. How long is everlasting life? This is a non question. It is the fullness of life without even the semblance of time.

I realize how hard this is for you to imagine. You are in the earth, in a time conscious culture, and your conscience is particularly time conscious. And still you have a slight “remembrance,” and so you can entertain this thought, with a strong sense that it is true. You are progressing well. It should be against My principle to chide you for being slow in your progress!

As you brought your vitae up to date yesterday you were pleased with your activities. You gave up two, but this was necessary. Your publication list is meager, but I shall merely remind you that I notice this. You are using your talents and abilities well, but you also are easing toward a “time” of less concern with time. Soon you shall be with several who are already retired, and it will be interesting for you to hear how their lives go in this “end of life” condition. Know, of course, that it is not yet for you, and speak truly to your place in life.

As you make your choices and decisions about use of time always seek an holistic balance. Though I am with you in all of your life situations you need not be consciously aware of this and constantly “attending to Me.” I just want a low level awareness… more sense of My presence when you mow the grass, when you read the paper (even the Enquirer), when you feed your animals, as you drive to the University. Feel Me in your responsibilities, the delightful ones and the painful ones. Be aware of Me as you make choices… as you go lightly along your life path.

TUES., SEPT. 25, 1990, 6:50 AM

I do hear your silent cry to join you in this time of Teaching. You know what you must do this day, and much of it is of interest to Me, you know, so why must I keep you waiting? You just must pull Me into the time frame of the earth. I must hurry because you haven’t used your time as well as you could have.

I am not against your preparing well for your evening class. It is an important class, this one of graduate students in your . . .

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