Coming Up: A “Test”

SAT., AUG. 5, 2000, 6:25 AM

A week from today (if present plans materialize) you will be in Durango, in the midst of quite a crowd of kin. Some will have been there longer; you will just have arrived the night before. You will not be in that midst for very long, and hence, the test. (6:30 / 6:32) This shall be… and shall be expected to be… a social event. Given your age and condition you will be around people, most all of whom are related in some way (through Lenore’s family) and who you probably will never see again… and they… you.

You are now rather fully established in an Emeritus life-style, retired from many years of active teaching and active relationships with students. I have urged you to include times of quiet contemplation into this “new” life, and you are trying… and having some success. You know I shall want you to take an hour, now and again, even during that short time there to hear Me and gain My perspective on the gathering. So… how can you do this… and where?

It will not be easy, so you must be aware that this should not be a “complete vacation” from these Teachings. You will have to determine a place and then, planned or spontaneous, a time: you may have the full hour that you usually need, or you may have to hear and write My Teachings to you in “segments”. I just want you to know [that I want you to know] that I am with you, there, and that I shall want to guide you, in this now familiar way.

Yet We both know it will not be easy, for there will be much activity and few places of quiet during these few days of reunion. Thus one test will be for you to arrange to hear Me, somewhere, somehow.

The other aspect of the “test” will be how to spend your time… the rest of your waking time. It will be too short for activities in the Durango area, and even too short for just light, “social” conversations only. You feel little to no need to relate to all who are there, and you realize that you can relate to Matthew and John Patrick here at home. So, if you are serious about this (and you can’t be sure, for what you think sitting here in a quiet, familiar place may not apply to that place, in the midst of that crowd.), you will have to seek out certain persons for at least some time of quiet, serious conversation.

Many of these, who you would “seek out” are aware that you have cancer and are electing not to have invasive medical procedures to prolong this earth life. (Always remember, for I, Holy Spirit have told you repeatedly, that this earth life is just a “portion” of the life of your spirit, that is “beyond” that of being Bob Russell. It is unlikely that your “spirit journey” will be completed with the death of this body.) So be aware of opportunities, spontaneous and “created” to talk about life – both its limitations and its continuation. There may be times when you can offer a “testimony” of your faith and of your relationship with Me. And… there will be times when you can seek responses from those with whom you converse about their expectations about life… and this activity called death.

There is nothing wrong with being “the dying one” in that setting, BUT balance is important. You are not to dominate… or take away from the celebration of a long, good marriage (in spite of their being “unequally yoked”, from My humble perspective), but I want you to take at least a few opportunities to “testify” about the perspective on life that I have encouraged in you. I’ll just say – there will be opportunities… don’t pass them all by.

SAT., AUG. 5, 2000, 6:25 AM

A week from today (if present plans materialize) you will be in Durango, in the midst of quite a crowd of kin. Some will have been there longer; you will just have arrived the night before. You will not be in that midst for very long, and hence, the test. (6:30 / 6:32) This shall be… and shall be expected to be… a social event. Given your age and condition you will be around people, most all of whom are related in some way (through Lenore’s family) and who . . .

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