
MAY 12, 1980, 5:26 AM

You have made another commitment, o son, and so we begin another regular time together. This is an important rhythm – a time of sporadic teachings balanced with a time for daily meditations. Keep your commitment… and so shall I.

We need to be looking ahead to your sabbatical study, for I have much to suggest about that. But you have other opportunities, to which you are committed, that come earlier. Count on Me to offer some direction for these. This Duluth symposium, just completed, was Our first major presentation in which We openly worked together. You used the truths and ideas I gave to you rather well. And you felt good about the result. So, let’s try some others.

The next thing that comes up is the class in Long Beach this next weekend. The important thing with that is to continue the personal, emotional-spiritual climate. Yes, do include a version of Man and Her… and try out one with a more spiritual kernel. Trust Me to give some help with that. Time it to come after the Saturday night meeting, for that should give you some insights, helpful, also.

Times of learning and sharing approach. The time will be short with Joyce and Bob, with Roger and Lib, and with Mabel and Anthony, but you should share with each of these something of this experience. You don’t explain it well yet, but I would rather you develop this yourself, even if you stumble along for awhile, than giving you a way. Do consider the story approach, however. That could be an effective introduction. (With Michael, for instance… “The world is full of many different kinds of folks… He made not two of us all the same”…) Try to tie it to their experiences. That always helps in the art of communication.

Let’s look ahead to another commitment you have – the Workshop on Moral and Ethical Issues. That should be an interesting, valuable experience, and, of course, I shall teach you much about the issues you should consider. All right, you are not quite ready for that. Yes, it shall be somewhat traumatic because you will hear some things at odds with what some of My good servants proclaim. But I shall not present these as proclamations that shall negate all else. To you I always speak in terms of both/and. What happens when you must do something immoral to achieve a moral good? Where am I? Loving you and helping you to realize the beauty of situations that do not resolve cleanly. To know that you have done the only morally right thing in a completely moral way too often engenders a pride and an arrogance that must be faced.

Just know that We shall deal with some “sticky” issues… and then you shall have to do some work in matching these meditations with Scriptures. You have been a bit negligent in Scripture study of late. These writings, valuable as they are, are no substitute for the original Scriptures. They must be part of your daily rhythm. I don’t ask for a commitment here, but I do offer the judgment.

Continue to be cautious about your commitments. You make the decisions, but seek My opinion or listen as I counsel. I am with you, no matter what you decide to do, but I do have Purposes into which you fit… and I should like to see you recognize these and give them priority.

Commitment is a condition I particularly like. The secret is to feel the compulsion to do what you commit yourself for, in the way to which you agree… and do it with love, and joy, and a sense of freedom. To be committed to Me is ultimate freedom. The more absolute the commitment becomes, the greater is your sense of freedom. Commitment that is carried out grudgingly and with dogged determination, can never achieve what it should. So, often, I call for commitment just to test your spirit. Know that this is true in many of the other little, mundane things to which you are committed. As you feel “penned in” know that this is a condition of spirit. And your spirit is ultimately free… in Me. It makes a whole bunch of difference.

So, welcome to commitment. You shall be glad… most of the time!

Amen and Amen
6:35 AM