
TUES., OCT. 5, 1982, 7:38 PM

You are here in a strange yet familiar place to hear this teaching and renew, yet again, your relationship with Me. You have been busy with other matters, and I have not been displeased with what you have been doing, but I have called you to another short, regular commitment. You recognized My call. You need not worry further about the manuscript. If it is to be done over, then simply dedicate another day to Me for that purpose. If it is found that will be easier. It really matters little which it is. The commitment is what is important.

Out of this series of teachings shall come the next Ruminations, and I urge you to complete this before Christmas. I shall begin to push harder for development of the rhythm that brings forth an issue each three months. (I urge you also to increase the number of initial copies, so that you have sufficient extras for a reasonably long future.) Then, in the Spring, comes the search for some funding, which should be successful.

You made another interesting professional commitment today, and I was pleased that you did. This General Studies proposal is an important one for your department, and one of the most politically involved with which you have been associated. You are not just going to head the Committee and do the major work, but you are committed to do it with zeal, confidence, and competence. You were wise to pass up the other convention to give yourself time for this task. It shall be an important one to maintain the rhythm that is in My plan for you.

Your relationship with Lenore has been eroding somewhat, just through neglect and lack of contact on the part of both. Make some commitments to her, and exact some from her to you. Reactivate the one you made in relation to her pictures. Help her get that office of hers looking the way she wants it, and then start on the books as she wishes them. That’s an important commitment. Restore it. Put some life into it.

Some people, including many Christians, would feel uneasy… would even feel disbelief… about My exacting commitments from them in such a direct and blatant way. It just is true that most have a theoretical belief in Me, and they have no trouble participating in prayers that ask for my presence in their lives, but when I truly answer that prayer… wow! What doubt! Is it really the Holy Spirit? Can I take a chance with these guiding words? Remember again, the good Jews, who knew their Scriptures well, could not take a chance on Me as their Messiah, the Christ who was to come and redeem and save. It has ever been so. Yet the flip side has also been evident.

TUES., OCT. 5, 1982, 7:38 PM

You are here in a strange yet familiar place to hear this teaching and renew, yet again, your relationship with Me. You have been busy with other matters, and I have not been displeased with what you have been doing, but I have called you to another short, regular commitment. You recognized My call. You need not worry further about the manuscript. If it is to be done over, then simply dedicate another day to Me for that purpose. If it is found that will be easier. It really . . .

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