
MON., JULY 1, 1985, 5:37 AM

This is a concept that is usually made up of some part mental and some part spiritual. The mental portion is the reasonable, comfortable commitment that is conditioned by your society, family, and important peer groups and accepted by you… as reasonable expectations. The spiritual portion goes beyond (sometimes way beyond) the comfortable and expected. This also can be learned through a religious or spiritual tradition, but it is accepted by your spirit, which has a link with Me, recognized or not. So hear, o son, as We consider commitment on this cool morn.

Commitment says, “I am” and “I will.” Commitment is a giving of self in small to large “amounts” often in action. You have made a commitment to Me to receive these Teachings I offer. For most people this is not a reasonable commitment, even as they would profess a commitment to God, just as a part of life. To rise early and write what you hear, sometimes in physical circumstances that are not completely comfortable, sometimes still sleepy, sometimes feeling a need to use the time differently, requires spiritual commitment. Since I have guided this venture I have pushed for the commitment, which makes it more certain, for My ways are powerful, even as they are gentle.

Initially I asked for an every day commitment, and you responded well. That was an important test, for We had to develop the relationship that made this intellectually as well as spiritually satisfying. You are proud of your books of Teachings, and you stand ready to utilize them in ever-new ways, as I direct. With this relationship in place I no longer ask for your daily commitment of time and attention, but you must always know that you are missing an opportunity. Could I truly provide you a three page Teaching each morning. No sweat… I could.

You are not as committed to being a gardener as you have been in the past. You have had other commitments that are stronger, AND you have not had the satisfactions essential to true commitment, AND it truly isn’t necessary for your survival. You must continue to be committed to building and enriching your soul, so that when a commitment to gardening is more necessary it will produce in ways that give satisfaction.

You are committed to a life role as an educator. Yes, you are called to do this as a life work, and it is a Scriptural calling. Today you commence an experience as the teacher of a class, and this requires a special commitment. You are responsible to organize the class time well, and to conduct the variety of learning experiences with skill… and with awareness and appreciation of the responses of those in the class. Do not shirk this commitment during this three week time. You are paid well for this, and I expect genuine commitment to the development of this concept in this interesting group of learners.

MON., JULY 1, 1985, 5:37 AM

This is a concept that is usually made up of some part mental and some part spiritual. The mental portion is the reasonable, comfortable commitment that is conditioned by your society, family, and important peer groups and accepted by you… as reasonable expectations. The spiritual portion goes beyond (sometimes way beyond) the comfortable and expected. This also can be learned through a religious or spiritual tradition, but it is accepted by your spirit, which has a link with Me, recognized or not. So hear, o son, as We consider commitment on . . .

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