
FRI., APR. 11, 1986, 2:38 PM

I have given you a title, the substance of which will expand on the presentation you just have heard and which will contribute to your next Ruminations. Let Me caution you, however, that you are not to judge the utility of any title, even any Teaching, as you receive it. Every Teaching will be worthwhile and valuable, but there will be a range in their usefulness with others. Those that are obviously useful are not necessarily better. Keep this perspective ever before you.

Communicating is part of your professional task as well as part of your role as a human. Communicating is fundamental in both teaching and learning. This was a basic message today. I shall not repeat the ideas about words, symbols, and problems in communicating. Instead let Me emphasize that communication is always better when spirit is a factor, in an unconscious as well as a conscious way. If communicating is, at least in part, an exercise of spirit, there is a concern for the other and a desire to both send and receive so that purpose in life might be enhanced.

If you are the communicator and you truly care about the person or persons with whom you are communicating, you will be sensitive to their needs, their capacities, and their reactions, and you will adjust your messages accordingly. Your strong focus is on the “others”… you will come to them, rather than expecting them to come to you. This is not something that can be learned as a technique. It is the manifestation of spirit. If spirit is strong and developing, you will do it well. If spirit is weak or on a plateau, you will do it less well, even poorly. Though Dick is a good communicator, his effectiveness could have been enhanced if his spirit were more developed.

Those persons who learn best… who receive communication best… are those who can, both consciously and unconsciously, weave what they hear, see, and read into their purpose in life. You know that I have called you to a career in teaching here in the earth. Therefore learning and relearning about communication is quite obviously helpful in fulfilling this purpose in life well. Never feel that you know enough. Seek always to improve and to better understand this complex communicative process.

As you are the one hearing the message… being communicated to or with… you can mold yourself to the message and learn more from it if your focus is on others rather than self. It is much easier to communicate well with those whose spirits are strong, for they are working with you and not against you. There is an eagerness for this, as well as many other life experiences, that can be recognized and appreciated. When learning occurs with spirit as a major factor, the learning is most appreciated and useful.

And all of this goes to maximum if I am an acknowledged partner in the process. Yet there is a risk in teaching regular school or college classes, acknowledging Me. Those who know Me, as God, as Jesus Christ, or as the Holy Spirit, will usually have learning enhanced if it is in My Name. Yet others, whose experiences in life do not cause them to love and revere Me may be hindered by your partnership with Me. You shall always have to decide when the risk is worth running. Your Sunday morning class is one of maximum learning from this perspective.

Do I always opt for good communication? Well, the Scriptures suggest that there are times when I deliberately test people’s spirit through obscure communication. This is not logically defensible. Just know that I have important reasons for this. Yet every barrier will fall when a person truly calls on Me for help… and when a lesson has been learned.

There are many ways to communicate. Do not seek those that are weird in your culture’s terms, but also do not deny or ignore such when you encounter them… for this may be Me, helping you to grow in unorthodox ways. Continue to be a communicator, with your hand in Mine.

3:28 PM