
October 7, 1979, 7:20 AM

Why not?  Yes, this is the day that Christians join together in remembering who they are and why they are distinctive.  But let’s talk about what this means… in a wider sense.

Communion is a remembrance, but, fundamentally, it is a “being together” – you and Me, you and he, you and she.  To be in communion is to be in close friendship, sharing what is most important.  You and I are in communion now, because I am sharing thoughts and precepts and experiences with you, but they are coming through your mind and spirit, and you are writing them as they flow.  This is a good and important relationship, but it, of course, doesn’t happen with every person.  You are not in communion with everyone you know, and neither am I.  Some just do not come to Me, even in the bread and cup.  And I choose not to take special measures to draw them… as I have with you.

Let’s see how this applies to Matthew.  I would like to have you in communion with him.  I know that to do this truly would be difficult, for some of the things he does are not easily shared with his father.  Just as you, though you know I know, have difficulty putting some happenings into words.  Still I want you to be open to this – demanding yet forgiving.  The key is discussing what something means, why it was done, and what it was worth.  You have to be willing to hear him and to let him know that you hear him.  For as he talks about his ventures he, hopefully, will hear what he says (and perhaps will come to some better communion with himself) and this will be different than just silent “thinking about”.

You must convince him that you can truly forgive and that you can try to understand him.  You can only do this by actions.  You have to perform according to his expectations.  (This is true with Me, too.  With some people… I don’t come up to their expectations, and they give up the attempt at communion.  It is only when communion is established, as with you and Me, that there is allowance for differences between expectations and “performance”.  If I do not “come through” as you expect or hope, you can accept this and maintain the relationship.)  But you have not yet established this relationship.  And you are not sure you really want to.

You assess accurately that this approach may reduce your communion with Lenore.  Use the same principles and standards.  Be in communion with her about it.  Talk to her about what happens.  And know that the relationship between you two is good and solid… can stand some bumping.

Matthew is not yet ready to come into close communion with Me.  We have had some encounters but, like Peter, he is not ready yet for a full communion relationship.  And it is better, certainly, when readiness is evident.

Yes, today you will conduct your class, but then you shall have communion with Me through these writings instead of with the Congregation.  Your other work is important to do, but I would have you return and be reminded of what We have created in these pages.  Your presentations come up soon, and there are insights and prospectives that should be included.

So this is sufficient for this morning.  We need each other this day.  Let us stay in communion… Spirit to spirit to Spirit.


8:17 AM