Complementary? … Both/And!

WED., MAR. 15, 2000, 8:58 AM

Yes, o son, there is some apparent “competition” between the Letters of Paul and this Epistle of James. But only if you must think in Either/Or terms. Faith… or Works? Faith… and Works! Yet, in what “order”? Remember, then… now… My championing of diversity. Some folks come to Me in faith, while others come by way of doing good works, in love.

Love for whom? or what? For some, it is love for Me. For others, it is love for other humans with whom they are related. For yet others, love for some… even any… who are in some kind of need. And for a few… love for the whole of creation, including humans, especially or just as part of the whole.

So there are several possible motives for doing good works, and even these may be mixed rather than one only. Now it could be posited that there is value in “good works,” no matter what the motive. You arose early this morning, as you do each Wednesday, in order to care for your animals before motoring off to Bible Study/Breakfast. You didn’t perceive these “feedings” as particularly holy or loving, but the animals benefitted because of your service to them.

Part of your motivation for going weekly to this gathering is to serve Me by knowing more about these Scriptures of Mine, but there is also the factor of just “this is what you do on Wednesday mornings… faithfulness to the group.” (And, you admit to yourself that this “hour” is one of the solid benchmarks of each week for you, in retirement. “Is any ‘event’ before Wednesday or after Wednesday… before Sunday or after Sunday?” Not a very spiritual motive!)

So… you could have a solid, growing faith without getting up early every Wednesday morning (as most of your fellow Presbys do), but this is a “work” that helps build your faith, while your faith urges you to be a regular participant. One of your continuing frustrations is the messy state of your home place… the outside area, the porch, your study… You still have faith in yourself to someday or week, clean and rearrange so that it looks as you envision it. Yet you can’t seem to generate the “work” that is necessary to complement your faith.

You see yourself as a committed Christians, with the faith that I, Holy Spirit, have chosen you for this earthy, spiritual task – hearing Me and writing what you hear as Teachings. You also realize and admit that you are not a “model” Christian… that many others are more committed and more expressive of their faith than you are. Should you “try” to be “better”? Or should you just accept that you are doing what I want you to do… and what I have energized you to do? In theological terms are you a Sinner or are you Saved? How can you be both?

Well, remember that I have showed you “the longer path.” Being a human in the earth, a unique “role” for your everlasting spirit, offers you opportunities to sin… to move away from Me. Yet I tell you that you were chosen, in this life, not because you were so “good,” but just because. I chose you. (As Jesus, I chose disciples, quite a varied lot, and it could be argued that I could have chosen more “wisely,” selecting some who were more “deserving.”)

In relative terms you were not a blatant sinner, in your actions and your motives, but you also were far from a “saint.” So you could say… and do… that you fall short of all that the Scriptures portray as being sinless… and yet you accept forgiveness, which My life, death, and resurrection “paid for.”

You could be a better elderly Christian. You also could be a lot worse. You are as good as you can be, given your “maturity” as a developing soul. You predict that the soul of yours still needs more “maturing,” so that your faith is constant… and growing… and that it manifests itself in “works”… of love for Me, for your family, for My Church, for this setting, for your life, for humankind, and for this unique earth, as a scene for spiritual growth. Being faithful to Me is quite an important Work.

WED., MAR. 15, 2000, 8:58 AM

Yes, o son, there is some apparent “competition” between the Letters of Paul and this Epistle of James. But only if you must think in Either/Or terms. Faith… or Works? Faith… and Works! Yet, in what “order”? Remember, then… now… My championing of diversity. Some folks come to Me in faith, while others come by way of doing good works, in love.

Love for whom? or what? For some, it is love for Me. For others, it is love for other humans with whom they are related. For yet others . . .

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