
JUNE 3, 1980, 11:21 AM

I want you, o son, to be conscious of consciousness this day. I realize this sounds rather redundant… or mystical. But just follow My thinking and see where the teaching leads you.

Consciousness is best described in two words with which you are quite familiar: awareness and appreciation. To be conscious is, first, to be aware, to notice. You know that there is much of which you are not aware, but linger but shortly over that negative observation. Reflect, instead, upon the consciousness that you do have.

You are conscious that today is not going as you thought it would. In some ways that is unfortunate, but know also that it is an exercise in adaptability, so be fully aware of new possibilities and appreciate what does happen… that which seems desirable and also that which doesn’t.

The reason, of course, that there are many things outside of your consciousness is that being aware of anything brings about a focusing of attention, which results in less or no focus on alternatives. When you are conscious of My thoughts and words there is, rightly, much that happens of which you are not conscious. So unconsciousness is one of the by-products of consciousness. If you are fully aware in relation to this teaching you become much less aware of most other stimuli. This is as it should be.

Consciousness is often necessary in order to know that some stimulus is not worth your continued attention. You don’t feel really well today. You are aware of this, you appreciate the feeling and the reasons behind it… which frees you to pay little attention to this. It shall pass and is not worth your attention. Because of consciousness you can know this and act accordingly.

You are aware of the alternation of sun and shade. It is so pleasant when the sun is shining and warm. It is almost unpleasantly cool when the cloud above intervenes and the sun’s warm diminishes. Both feelings can be appreciated – as realities and as symbols. Awareness of this moves you to appreciation of the deeper truth – the rhythm of life. Certain events and happenings are like warm sunshine, while others are like unto cool shade. And you have about as much control over the happenings as you do of the alternation of sun and shade.

You are becoming conscious of the fact that you should just “let the rest of this day happen”. Follow My leadings and appreciate all that happens and fret not over what does not. All days should not be like this… but some definitely should. Be conscious of which kind of day it is.

You are conscious of two large trees, one rather straight and one definitely leaning. You like the one that leans. It has a more definite direction. It also causes you to think of the non-straight trees you planted years ago and of the merit of encouraging some small trees to this sort of “character” in the future. An awareness worth a brief attention… then… enough!

Recall the consciousness that the little paper with SABBATH on it raised for you on Sunday. That must encourage you to a repeat of that little attention-getter. Appreciate that a reminder such as this can bring your attention from the less important to the more.

You were conscious, as you drove through the campus, that you still have some regret in not having a chance to make your career there. This makes you aware of the need for honesty with yourself… and then of the fact that I have assured you that you are just where you should be. Appreciate the past as past, but also be honest about feelings, particularly when they are ambivalent.

You long for the warmth again, but you see that, predictably, there won’t be much more. Appreciate the discomfort, and balance the wisdom of feeling it, of ignoring it, and of changing the situation so that it no longer applies.

Your rhythm includes both giving and determining direction and in following. Not too much of one. Not too much of the other. Yes, this is the time for the first draft of your revision of Man and Her… Now you hadn’t thought of that, had you? Be conscious of the little time you have left. Then… enough… and on with this new task.

Hasn’t this been fun? Be conscious of the different ways in which this meditation can go. Appreciate My leading.

Be aware of, even, Amen
12:28 PM