
SAT., OCT. 17, 1987, 3:07 PM

You have adapted as best you can to a forgetful moment. You shall transcribe this and other Teachings of this coming week to the proper paper with the ritual pen. This can now serve as the back-up. Not ideal, but appropriate adaptation.

In the midst of conferencing… that’s what you are now. The presentation just completed was a good one, and I did help in certain ways. There was receptivity, and you organized and presented well. In small but persistent ways this message that I have given you to deliver is spreading forth, and it is affecting your field in positive ways. Do your part as the opportunities arise, and as you take certain actions that generate opportunities. Set this money aside for strictly spiritual/sharing purposes. You can pay for Christmas gifts in other ways.

It was your pleasure (and Mine) to meet two women who are on spiritual paths close to yours. Properly, you are not surprised, and the sharing of stories was a very natural happening. You see how these Ruminations of Ours are a means of linking up with kindred souls. It is My pleasure to sort of arrange these meetings, which shall be of mutual and continuing benefit. Continue to be open to such occurrences.

With a little polishing and editing this presentation can become a publishable paper. Please consider the value of this, and add it to your list of Things to Do. You can’t communicate all that you do in person, but the written word has certain true advantages. Consider.

You move on now to the big public health gathering, and this shall be a busy, unique experience. Choose carefully the sessions that you attend. Both take and make opportunities to interact with individuals in relation to spiritual matters. If you miss an opportunity just be ready for the next one. There shall be more than you can handle, so don’t feel bad about missing some. Balance your activities over these next four days, and be sure to include Me in your “programming.” I shall have plenty to say.

These times of conferencing are important, even as they cause regular work to pile up. Don’t let yourself get too far behind in reading and responding to students’ papers. And yet this admonition must be balanced with one that reminds you that each paper must be savored and commented upon. An important part of the spiritual dimension of teaching for you is truly considering the merits of each paper that comes in and responding in some way. You have some continual pump-priming to do. Give of yourself and that which you receive will be better than it would have been otherwise.

Be aware of new perspectives that can arise in these times of conferencing. Whenever you are in a new circumstance there is the greater potential for seeing something familiar in a new, even exciting, way. And… you are more likely to have new insights and interpretations. I can’t tell you exactly how to be aware of these… except to say, “Be aware,” in both busy and quiet circumstances.

Though your former students should be the main target of your attentions at this upcoming conference, I ask you not to limit yourself to these special folks. As you experienced today, some from other origins can benefit you… and can be means to your continued spiritual growth. Appreciate the possibilities.

You need not eat excessively or regularly, but also appreciate that many ideas can be shared over the ingestion of food. You can even initiate such interchanges. I know this is not necessary, but it just does have certain advantages. Some people just do share more over food and/or drink, so consider such possibilities. Your noon meal today should have been a vivid example for you. Wasn’t it? (Yes!)

SAT., OCT. 17, 1987, 3:07 PM

You have adapted as best you can to a forgetful moment. You shall transcribe this and other Teachings of this coming week to the proper paper with the ritual pen. This can now serve as the back-up. Not ideal, but appropriate adaptation.

In the midst of conferencing… that’s what you are now. The presentation just completed was a good one, and I did help in certain ways. There was receptivity, and you organized and presented well. In small but persistent ways this message that I have given you to . . .

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