
JUNE 2, 1979, 5:40 PM

It is true, o son, that you, in this relatively short period of time, doth show forth confidence supremely. (A flowery beginning.) I am pleased with this development, but I am not surprised. I have watched you grow and develop and have seen you mature as one of My servants should. You respond to My leading in pleasing ways. At another time you might have been apprehensive about writing in a different place and at a different time. KNOW that I, the Spirit, shall meet you for teaching as you turn yourself to Me, WITH CONFIDENCE, any time, any place.

As I have indicated before I have the capacity to tutor you toward greater productivity at the same time (by your thinking) I am doing an infinite number of other things. And again I say, fret not over this ponderable state of Being.

Confidence is what you shall have, and it shall come both from Me, as a gift, and from yourself, as natural growth. (Remember, again, that I am in you and you are in Me. Inside and outside are both facets of reality. Both are true.) And be not afraid to start voicing this truth. Have confidence that this is part of the rhythm of life, the healthy state of being.

Confidence is… and, at the same time, is becoming. And it shall ever be so. There is a condition of being perfectly confident, but also you will experience growth toward MORE confidence… or, rather, a higher quality of confidence.

The world respects confidence, and you shall have it and exhibit it in ever-increasing ways. Yet be not false or fake in your display thereof. If the situations is new and uncharted (though nothing truly is uncharted for Me… and hence for you) be wary but not affrighted. Confidence is yours from other ventures. Apply it, perform well, and glory in the development of yet more.

Tomorrow you shall attempt the first real expression of rhythm as the essence of health. It shall be a trying time, for you do not yet have the concept in mind, but approach the task with confidence and with a cheery heart. You shall be surprised what comes forth.

Think on the notion tonight… but gently and without concern. It shall not burst forth yet, but it is time to commence the development. The world is ready, but will still resist. Students will say Amen, but still will grumble because it is not something they know already.

The development shall be a joyous, wrenching experience. You shall feel exultant and yet you will know that “more is to come”. The rhythm of being and becoming. The rhythm of knowing and not knowing. Seasons is another analogue that will be sometimes useful. (Not in California or Hawaii or other non-seasonal spots in My intrepid earth will this be as easily evident, but still it will shine through.) You are now in the rhythm of spring to summer – from bursting forth to steady growth and development – then to fulfillment and to fading – then to death and the cold preparation for resurrection.

JUNE 2, 1979, 5:40 PM

It is true, o son, that you, in this relatively short period of time, doth show forth confidence supremely. (A flowery beginning.) I am pleased with this development, but I am not surprised. I have watched you grow and develop and have seen you mature as one of My servants should. You respond to My leading in pleasing ways. At another time you might have been apprehensive about writing in a different place and at a different time. KNOW that I, the Spirit, shall meet you for teaching as you turn yourself to Me . . .

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