
JUNE 16, 1979, 3:30 PM

Confidence is what you are showing, o son, as you sit back in a new place, at a later time, and know that you will hear Me. This is growth since We began. And it is much growth from when we communicated in 1964-65. You would wait and wonder. Now you wait but with confidence that I shall come forth and teach you some new and some old lessons.

You must finish the analysis before this week is very far gone. It is important that you be able, with confidence, to tell various, appropriate parts of what you have heard. And this means you must learn it… and you know that this requires time put forth in study. Do it!

In this place it is not your purpose to bring a gospel message (though if you see a chance to tell what you are doing, do so); it is your purpose to bring the message that your songs bring. This has merit for My work, but it also is a means for you to improve and be better able to show forth stronger messages of love and of rhythm. (See how you can work in the rhythm concept tomorrow night. It can be introduced.)

One of your essential rhythms is confidence and humility. You must be humble before Me, but can show forth confidence in the world. Yet another part of the rhythm will have you show confidence with Me, and humility before the world. Either one by itself alone is incomplete, not fully human, and… boring. But the two in rhythm is characteristic of many of My servants.

When you feel My Spirit within you, you shall have a sense of how they should be balanced. For this is one of My best rhythms. I can show forth confidence supreme, but this shades toward arrogance (even in Me!) without humility. I, the Spirit of your God, humble myself to come to you. I, the Lord can take abuse of various kinds with a gentle, forgiving, humble spirit. It does not lessen Me. It shows Who and What I Am. And so it should be with you.

You have been wondering how this rhythm idea applies to illness and hurt. Remember, that if health is rhythm, then it is part of being ultimately healthy to be sick or disabled. Your arm is a small case in point. Your fall into the wire was a bit of rhythm. It was a hurt, and you could acknowledge that, but, characteristic of you, you were “back in action” soon. If it had been more serious the rhythm would have changed more markedly.

Your Mother will have a hard time with her rhythm, which is now more disability and less ability. It is the challenge of being happy to the end of earthly life. Many can’t do it. Your Uncle Emmett couldn’t. I wept over him. His smile and his cheer couldn’t last against his pain.

JUNE 16, 1979, 3:30 PM

Confidence is what you are showing, o son, as you sit back in a new place, at a later time, and know that you will hear Me. This is growth since We began. And it is much growth from when we communicated in 1964-65. You would wait and wonder. Now you wait but with confidence that I shall come forth and teach you some new and some old lessons.

You must finish the analysis before this week is very far gone. It is important that you be able, with confidence, to tell various . . .

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