
MON., MAY 16, 1983, 5:36 AM

Confidence, o son, is an important quality for those who will be My servants to have. You considered it in relation to this morning Teaching, and as you sat in the familiar but uncomfortable stance waiting for the title you had confidence that it would appear. You believed and you were confident that I would come to guide your pen as this day commences. It is important that you have confidence in Me as a communicator.

Your last class for a time was yesterday morning. I shall not yet tell you the details of the Fall, but have confidence that I shall. The class is an important means by which you maintain and increase your confidence in telling about this that We do together, so know that if the Sunday morning experience does not continue then you should devise a substitute, for students or for church folk, or both. You still have the note on your desk that reminds you of the need for a Sharing of the Spirit group from amongst the students. Don’t dispose of the note until you have a start on such a group. To initiate such will take confidence in Me and in yourself, confidence you haven’t had as yet.

From whence does confidence arise? In yourself, as an individual human, it springs from a sense of self and from experiences that have been successful and satisfying. Those who have the most confidence are usually those who are advanced in spirit and have had success in life that has preceded this present earth life, whether part of this was in the earth… or not. Some accept the reality of this continuity of life, while others, who have experienced it, and gained confidence from it, do not have any remembrance… or may even deny the possibility, often on Biblical grounds.

It just is a fact that the sense of self can be enhanced if there is a sense of relationship beyond the circumstances of this present life. What this says is that a sense of “self” is, paradoxically, more powerful and pervasive when its basis goes beyond this single present life. The analogy in your earth life is an easy one. The more roles you can play successfully, the more areas of life you can function in effectively, the more total confidence you are likely to have. If you could do only one thing, even though you did it well, you would not likely have the confidence of one who functioned in wider ways.

Of course there is one more important ingredient – relationship with Me. Clear relationship with Me, particularly through My Body, the Church, builds confidence, for this is what I love to do. Life in Me breeds an assuredness that life has a purpose because I have purposes, and I invite you as a special participant in achieving some of these. When you know that I am the Ultimate Reality, the Rock of Ages, and that what you do is a part of what I do you have the foundation for confidence.

MON., MAY 16, 1983, 5:36 AM

Confidence, o son, is an important quality for those who will be My servants to have. You considered it in relation to this morning Teaching, and as you sat in the familiar but uncomfortable stance waiting for the title you had confidence that it would appear. You believed and you were confident that I would come to guide your pen as this day commences. It is important that you have confidence in Me as a communicator.

Your last class for a time was yesterday morning. I shall not yet tell you . . .

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