
WED., FEB. 27, 1985, 9:12 AM

Hear, o son, as I teach you about that of which your own son talked this morning. Conflict is obviously part of this earth plane, and I have continually reaffirmed that I am “in charge” in this earth (no matter what appearances might be… or Scripture interpreted). Therefore it should be important to know how I view conflict, and what roles I choose to play in its instigation and its resolution.

In other realms of being and of potential spiritual growth there is no conflict. I have chosen to create the earth as a realm with conflict encouraged and almost everpresent. Actually, of course, there are places in the earth and peoples in small groups who experience very little conflict… but you are part of a large culture that sees it as almost vital to existence. So I speak to you in a not quite universal way.

You know My purpose in creating the earth… that spirits might grow and develop in ways just not possible in less tangible realms. Symbolically, in the first story after creation I created conflict. The serpent beguiled and was in conflict with the stern admonition I had delivered. (Stern, hard-nosed messages are one of the best ways of stirring up conflict.) Then came the forbidden act and, hence, conflict with Me. Then I proclaimed conflict in raising food, in having babies, and in further relations with serpents (a touch of the dramatic).

The Holy Scriptures certainly can be characterized as a story of conflict, as well as loving relationship. The great, memorable story for My people, the Hebrews, is one of conflict with the Pharoah and of miraculous escape. The conflicts described are physical, social, emotional, intellectual, environmental, and of course, spiritual. From whence did “other gods” come? Could Baal have power and influence if he were just in the minds of a few people? Who created Satan that he might tempt Me, as Jesus, and try to raise a conflict about My mission? Did this conflict arise because I was weak and unable to control My creation? You know Me better than that.

So wars have been fought, with rocks, clubs, and spears… and on to nuclear weapons, at least now available and ready. Wars are part of the balance of earth life, but so is pacifism and peace-making. I know the dangers of nuclear exchange better than any of you. I am a vital part of the force that has prevented nuclear conflict during these nearly forty years since it has become possible, and I have worked in a variety of ways. I work with those who rattle their swords and brandish their warheads as much as with those who meekly and weakly pray for peace… and with the many betwixt and between whose ways are combinations and variations of these extremes.

This means that I have servants who range from gentle, patient peacemakers to fiery war-mongers. Each has a place in this realm of conflict, each can grow from the opportunities she has, and each can help others grow, even through conflict.

WED., FEB. 27, 1985, 9:12 AM

Hear, o son, as I teach you about that of which your own son talked this morning. Conflict is obviously part of this earth plane, and I have continually reaffirmed that I am “in charge” in this earth (no matter what appearances might be… or Scripture interpreted). Therefore it should be important to know how I view conflict, and what roles I choose to play in its instigation and its resolution.

In other realms of being and of potential spiritual growth there is no conflict. I have chosen to create the . . .

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