Confrontation Ahead

May 7, 1980, 5:38 AM
W. Willow Study

Your mind, o son , will not focus and your heart will not hear.  Your distractions are enormous, and I am trying to get your attention.  True, you were not ready to awaken, but you knew you had to be here today.  Be aware that you are distracted, and very aware that I have a teaching for you.  Turn your will toward control, and then let your mind be in Me.  OK, it’s coming now.

The title refers to what shall finally develop amongst you and Lenore, Michael and Wendy in relation to these writings.  You really have no personal doubts that I, the Spirit, the Lord, speak to you in this way.  Still it is easier to keep it to yourself, sharing only with Lenore and a few others, than to let it be known among those who do not personally seek Me in this way.  You do not yet know where Michael and Wendy stand in relation to Our work together.  You are assuming they are not open to belief in My initiative here.  Consider the possibilities.

Consider the positive first.  (You should, always).  They may be open to the value of this truth, despite its “unorthodox” arrival.  (But be reminded that John tells the basis for what we do in his very orthodox Chapter 14.)  They may be delighted with the range and content of the meditations and even fascinated with the process.  You must “risk” telling them.  Remember that I, the Spirit, am One.  I am in them, too.  Know that if they do not respond positively right away they just may not be ready… and you may need this kind of test.  And you understand and appreciate both.

You certainly know about not being ready for what I purpose.  But you also have experienced developing readiness and are aware that it has to start where a person is.  You also know about tests.  You don’t really mind being tested… and, after all, remember that you are not the central figure.  You are a means through which some more of My Truth is offered… to those who aren’t able or willing to get it in other ways… and as a rich supplement to those who are open to truth from any source.

I wish many of my truly dedicated servants were not so protective of Me and were more open to truth and spiritual experience as I provide it and as it appears… in whatever form.  You do have the developed virtue of being open to many expressions of truth.  Can’t you be humbly proud of this development?  Don’t you wish that others could be likewise (not everyone, just some others)?  Then isn’t it worth a little test, a little confrontation, in order that this might happen?  Your answer is Yes… but without verve and great conviction.  So, that’s where you are.  It is important that you know this.

You are important to Me.  But no more important than some who not only do not hear Me, but do not even yearn to.  You are most important.  And also least.  And also everything in between.  That’s not very helpful, perhaps, but it undergirds what We do together.

In one sense, these writings are Precious, because they are a unique expression of Spirit, in content and in form.  But in another sense, they are only a tiny part of that on-going revelation of Myself and My Kingdom in ways unimaginable.  Both are true.  Don’t overvalue… but don’t undervalue, either.

Let Me confirm the message, sent another way, about the change in the letter.  I appreciate your willingness to invite confrontation by describing, with some specificity, Our relationship in the letter.  Yet I do not feel that the quote you put in is the best one… and I have guided you to better ones.  Make the substitution, do the picture page, and then get it moving.  Yes, do have Lenore reconsider her statement.  She could rephrase it as a better representation of her spirit.

Yes, you could avoid the confrontation, as you have thus far.  Or you could face it, and then back away.  Or you could approach it enthusiastically, proud of what We do together yet humble about your importance… enthusiastic about the truth that is expressed without a sense that it supercedes.

Approach it as an opportunity.  It will be one of many that lie ahead.  You shall not turn back.

Hallelujah for us!
6:53 AM