Confusion About Goals

WED., JAN. 30, 1991, 6:42 AM

Your President spoke last evening, and you listened. You do not like to feel the way you do about this war your nation now wages, even with allies, and yet this speech did not help much with this confusion. Now this morning you come to hear Me, the Holy Spirit, and you wonder what I shall say… about the war and about your feelings. Listen, o son.

The war proceeds “on schedule,” says your leader and the news reports. That means that destruction is taking place, and lives of Iraqis are being lost. The loss to your side is still minimal, and you are assured that it will not be long before the peace that is desired will prevail. The question still remains: what will the war accomplish? How will the world be better because there was this war?

I have told you that wars do change circumstances, and the new ones are often better for some of the participants. Yet war is a relational “thing.” You see this as you review the wars with which you are familiar. The enemies of World War II are now friends…and powerful competitors. The situation in Korea is settled, but remains fragile, with your troops still there, after many years. In terms of goals, Vietnam was a loss, for despite all the destruction your caused, the enemy prevailed. The difference is that your nation has offered no help, hoping that its system will fail from within. So the outcomes of wars are different from one another.

It is not at all clear to you what a victory, achieved in a short time, will mean. A non-democratic but friendly government could be returned to power in Kuwait, and a goal would be accomplished. Your country will continue to buy oil from these various nations, and thus another goal will be realized. And will all else be better?

Underlying the present alliances and battle lines is a great religious difference. You are ostensibly a Christian nation, and both of your leaders who spoke invoked My aid to your cause. Those who follow the path of My servant Mohammed have a different view of Me… one that does not include you. The faith of Islam is exclusive, as are some parts of the Christian “family.” You are at war with Moslems, fighting for other Moslems. This cannot be understood by those who are now your enemies.

In their spirits I am One and only One, and the great prophet or revealer was Mohammed. I have commanded certain spiritual practices, and these are evidence of allegiance to Me. I am the determiner of life. It is not what any individual or any nation does that determines an outcome, but only I, as Allah, the One True God. Though your leaders invoke My name, their basic assumption is that the war will be won with armaments and strategies and firepower and that I will humbly bless these, but not interfere. You do not consider land to be sacred. You, who are not of their faith and do not serve their God properly, are on their land, and that does not please Me, so they feel.

Who are “they”? Interestingly, Moslems on both sides. Some appreciate your might and your willingness to defend and restore them, but spiritually they want you “gone.” Shall this ever be one world or “a new world order” when I still encourage exclusive religions – ones that demand and require much of the “followers”? Obviously I am involved in this skirmish, and you wonder how. It would be easier, wouldn’t it, if I were only the Christian God and Allah were some other “the Only God.” Sorry. I am the only One, no matter how I am called or in what forms.

WED., JAN. 30, 1991, 6:42 AM

Your President spoke last evening, and you listened. You do not like to feel the way you do about this war your nation now wages, even with allies, and yet this speech did not help much with this confusion. Now this morning you come to hear Me, the Holy Spirit, and you wonder what I shall say… about the war and about your feelings. Listen, o son.

The war proceeds “on schedule,” says your leader and the news reports. That means that destruction is taking place, and lives of Iraqis are . . .

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