Confusion… Chaos (Mild)…

SAT., JULY 28, 2001, 4:07 PM

Yes, o son, this desk is in reasonably good shape, but you are confused and disorganized in regard to recent Teachings. Some of this remains as an aftermath of your “injured feet fiasco,” and some of it is part of your “version” of the aging process. You can try to be less confused and more orderly (and I shall help (as I can) but conditions will never be “as they were”… in younger years and before the “hike.”

At this point I can still “override” your confusions and give you Teachings you can write and that will be helpful in your continuing life. But it is likely that in the fairly near future you may have some times of “attempting” Teachings that just aren’t “from Me.” In some cases that will be hard to discern, and I’ll encourage you to be aware of My Presence and accept that I shall not always be able to overcome your “non-cooperation.” I recognize that it is not a matter of your wanting to do this “poorly” but more one of the “equipment” beginning to falter.

In the “pattern” We’ve developed over more than 20 years, now, you have “heard Me” and you have written, about as fast as you can write. There have been few instances in which you have lost “contact” with Me and have had to stop writing. There may be more of such times in the future. Remember… this is not some magical, SUPER natural experience. I get your attention. You hear Me. You write what you hear… and this has been quite “accurate” thus far. It is essentially a spiritual experience, but I do have to use your mind and this writing-aspect of your mental/physical self. This now is becoming les reliable, and We’ll have to do the best We can with it.

I’ll advise that, for this “condition” it won’t do much good to “try harder.” This is as likely to produce frustration as the “better performance” you want. This may mean that you’ll not be able to receive 3 or 4 Teachings each week… OR… that you’ll not be able to hear Me for the full 3 pages of writing that has been “Our Way.” Either of these COULD increase your feelings of frustration, and this would be counter-productive.

So… continue to have, as goals, the “ways” We’ve worked together for these several (even many?) years, but be able to accept “numbers” that don’t match what We have achieved. Just know… and accept… that I have as much to say as I have had, but your capacities to “receive” are declining.

When you can’t “complete” a Teaching as you have for these years of Ours, accept this… or, even (as you have done occasionally, over the years) put it aside and finish it at some later time. OR, if it seems better, leave it as 2 ½ pages… or 2 pages… if you are not hearing Me clearly.

I’ll also remind you that you have drawers full of Teachings of mine (as you’ve received them) and a number of books, prepared by son John Patrick, of computer-printed evidences of My Presence. Consider that it may become as worthwhile for you to re-read and re-study these earlier ones as for you to be focused only on “3 or 4 new ones” or “always 3 complete pages.” I want you to continue to enjoy and profit from this “process,” even as it has to be adapted to the conditions, presently and in the future, of your body and mind.

I accept that this pen is adequate for you to use (and only for this purpose), but I do want you to heed notes (to yourself) that say PEN. I liked what we started with, and both it and its “similar” replacement are no longer useful, so search, a bit, for another more like those.

SAT., JULY 28, 2001, 4:07 PM

Yes, o son, this desk is in reasonably good shape, but you are confused and disorganized in regard to recent Teachings. Some of this remains as an aftermath of your “injured feet fiasco,” and some of it is part of your “version” of the aging process. You can try to be less confused and more orderly (and I shall help (as I can) but conditions will never be “as they were”… in younger years and before the “hike.”

At this point I can still “override” your confusions and give you Teachings . . .

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