Consequences… Repurcussions

SAT., AUG. 17, 1996, 7:00 AM

This earth scene that I have created, as Almighty God, is very complex and almost impossible to understand. I have allowed the development of mathematics and the several sciences, and the “earth” is predictable and consistent enough for scientific findings to be helpful. And so some of you humans have accepted science and developed technology so that life is easier and pleasanter. But you have not given enough heed to the consequences of and repercussions from what you have been able to accomplish.

Further, with this humanistic view of what you can accomplish has come the premise that I, as Almighty God, am not a “factor” in how earth life functions… or that I have given up any power to influence or change conditions. Or… that I am given ceremonial status, with a closing political affirmation – “God bless America”, implying that I must bless whatever you do.

I have offered you many Teachings relating to the physical environment and to other forms of life. I am not pleased with some of your uses of land and what these represent. The north side of Pulliam Hall is now a large parking lot, with those pear trees that flowered so beautifully in the Spring destroyed, for progress. All of this represents a desire to do what can be done, to have a shorter walk from car to office, and to sacrifice beauty for practicality. Your institution is not growing… in fact the concern is more with a smaller student population. Too often you have “poor me” thoughts about having to walk several blocks, and I want you to continue to feel some shame for such thoughts.

On a much larger scale the continued transformation of productive farmland into roads, malls, developments, and parking lots will have consequences for food production, finally more important for a growing population than places to park. And, of course, this continuing increase in population will bring forth repercussions, though probably not catastrophic in your lifetime, as earthling Bob Russell.

Technology has produced modern weapons of war, much more powerful and effective than spears and arrows. A consequence is that these are used, deaths occur, along with suffering, and there is great destruction of property. Yet I observe that there is no great worldwide war going on or likely. For modern “weapons” also have a deterrent effect. Their consequences can be envisioned, and peace seems preferable to destruction.

For, yes, I do see much more peace and enjoyment of life than strife, anger, and hate. Journalists are little interested in the many ways people are good to one another. Instead the focus is on violence and inhumanity.

Fortunately I am aware of all that is happening on this earth, and I see much more good than what could be called evil. For, as I’ve suggested, much that seems evil is a consequence of some action seen as good. A plane goes down, and one possible cause is a bomb brought on board. So, to prevent such a repeat occurrence there must be much more surveillance of persons, luggage, and what they carry on. And all of this has consequences.

Tomorrow morning’s worship service will include the celebration of Holy Communion, the repeated sacrament of your religion. This is a consequence of an action by Me, as God and as Jesus, nearly 2,000 years ago. I, as God, determined that I, as Jesus, Who was God in human form, must die a cruel, painful death, with the shedding of blood. The remembrance of My last supper with the disciples resulted in this ritual that will be reenacted tomorrow. “This bread is My Body, broken for you, and this is My Blood, shed for you.” The consequence should be a remembrance that your salvation is symbolized by this sacrament and that your eternal, everlasting life is guaranteed.

SAT., AUG. 17, 1996, 7:00 AM

This earth scene that I have created, as Almighty God, is very complex and almost impossible to understand. I have allowed the development of mathematics and the several sciences, and the “earth” is predictable and consistent enough for scientific findings to be helpful. And so some of you humans have accepted science and developed technology so that life is easier and pleasanter. But you have not given enough heed to the consequences of and repercussions from what you have been able to accomplish.

Further, with this humanistic view of what you . . .

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