Consistency?… I Am Not Bound

WED., MAY 29, 1996, 9:02 AM

Some of you in the morning Bible study group are having some troubles with Paul’s waffling around about some issues, including how I respond and what I expect. So I’ll say again to you, in order that you might offer to the group, that My ways of thinking and acting are far beyond any of yours. I am not bound by thought processes rooted in consistency. The mystical is an important part of My Nature, and this is only tangentially related to the rational and reasonable.

The Old Testament story at least appears to be one riddled with inconsistencies. I say I want something, but then I cause… or allow… its opposite. Am I a model for behavior, as I am portrayed as Yahweh, before Christ? Is this consistent with what Paul is urging on the Christians in Rome – love, be gentle, serve others, don’t be angry, hateful, or vengeful. Am I, as God, a Model or should you just do as I say, not as I do? Was I a better Model, as Jesus, or just different… inconsistent with My Old Testament self?

Or, as Paul suggests, are we like a body, made up of different parts? In such a perception some of you love much more easily and fully than others. Some become angrier easier, and can be used by Me where such a temperament is needed. Though some may seem more important than others (like your heart and your fingernails), each can play some part in the full-functioning body… and Body.

The Old Testament tells of Me using various groups to inflict “punishment” upon My people, the Jews. I used the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Egyptians… And then when their “use” was complete I sometimes punished them for what they had done, which, supposedly, was My Will. Do I still do this? Sometimes… inconsistently.

Paul asserts that these new Christians should accept and obey the government, for God has instituted it. As it usually is, in a discussion of this passage, the case in point of Hitler was raised. Was his government “of Me”? Virtually no one would say Yes. But suppose I confided that I used this torturing and killing of 6 million Jews as the means for recreating the country of Israel. Would it have been created without these atrocities? Possibly… but unlikely. Would I do such a thing? Not normally nor consistently. But for an important cause of Mine… quite possibly… even, certainly.

Did I then allow your government to create and then drop two atomic bombs, incinerating parts of two Japanese cities, to end the war and prevent further casualties in an invasion? And have I prevented any further use of such weapons, though thousands of them have been “ready for deployment” for nearly 50 years? Some would say I am not directly involved in any of this. I tell you that I am wholly inconsistent in this regard. Though I mostly let humans and the earth function as I have created it to, I can intervene and act directly, when, where, how, and with whom I choose. I allow, but I have given up not a whit of My Power, in the potential.

WED., MAY 29, 1996, 9:02 AM

Some of you in the morning Bible study group are having some troubles with Paul’s waffling around about some issues, including how I respond and what I expect. So I’ll say again to you, in order that you might offer to the group, that My ways of thinking and acting are far beyond any of yours. I am not bound by thought processes rooted in consistency. The mystical is an important part of My Nature, and this is only tangentially related to the rational and reasonable.

The Old Testament . . .

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