Consistency… Important?

THURS., AUG. 2, 2001, 9:41 AM

Yes, o son, We are here, yet again, in this place that overlooks the green campus. The Bible Study “session” was a good one, this morning, as you always hope it will be. You, in a kind of “preparation” for this Teaching, have reread all My recent ones, along with four from the past that have seemed particularly provocative. Thus, you now are ready to hear Me, as your most important and relevant Guide.

How important is consistency? Well, in relation to these Teachings I urge you to be consistent… in using a particular pen and “designated” uniform paper, in filling 3 complete pages (but no more), and in arranging it so that you have time to write a complete Teaching, at one place, “consecutively.” HOWEVER, I still offered you Teachings after your other pens were dysfunctional and before you got this one. As you reread Teachings from earlier years you came upon several that “closed out” before the third page was complete. You even wrote one in blue ink!

So… you know what the “desirable” set of circumstances is, and you follow this quite well (for one who has not been a “model” of consistency over the years). Consistency is important, BUT adaptation is also a virtue AND having a Teaching can be more important than being able to slavishly follow a “pattern.” You are not to fall into “randomness,” but I accept some variations. Obviously I can and do come to you for these Teachings in many places and in many times of the day or night. There have been times when I’ve urged you to hear Me every day for some time, but, generally, now, I am “satisfied” with 3 or 4 visits each week.

One of Paul’s major “inconsistencies” in this Letter to the Romans is in relation to sin. He focuses on this for quite a portion of this Letter, and he seems, on the one hand, to be telling them that they really can’t live without sinning. He was a Jew and he had been a Pharisee, so it was very hard for him to disavow the sinfulness of certain behaviors – of commission or omission. This had been his way of perceiving life, and it was hard to consider a stark alternative.

But I, as the crucified AND Risen Christ had come to him and “invited” him to be My Man. I really didn’t give him a choice, and he recognized and accepted this. His message, from Me, was, that in acknowledging and following Me, as Christ, the Son of God, your sins are forgiven… washed clean… “no more!” This was a “condition” of the spirit and did not require any ritual behaviors.

And the “gulf” between Christians of the extremes that I have allowed/caused/blessed is quite substantial. I see conscientious Christians who want to live sinless lives, and they try valiantly to do and not do what the Scriptures recommend as behaviors of which I approve. Some are fairly successful, but their lives are often rather regimented and narrow. Others, with this perception, are not often successful and thus are “smitten” by the sinfulness of their lives.

At the other extreme I see Christians who just love My promise of forgiveness. They may sin, but they are assured of forgiveness, which reestablishes the love relationship with Me. Some “sin boldly,” for forgiveness is My Gift, without “strings.” (Actually, the behavior of many with this perception may be just as righteous as “the other,” in appreciation of the loving forgiveness that I freely give.)

And, of course, there are Christians at all “positions” between these poles. Do I want only one “form” of Christian? I do tell some just this. But I tell you that I have created diversity, and I love it! I have created variety in individual humans, and I have created and allowed different cultures, even in religion.

THURS., AUG. 2, 2001, 9:41 AM

Yes, o son, We are here, yet again, in this place that overlooks the green campus. The Bible Study “session” was a good one, this morning, as you always hope it will be. You, in a kind of “preparation” for this Teaching, have reread all My recent ones, along with four from the past that have seemed particularly provocative. Thus, you now are ready to hear Me, as your most important and relevant Guide.

How important is consistency? Well, in relation to these Teachings I urge you to be . . .

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