Consistency? Not Yet

WED., AUG. 22, 2001, 12:05 PM

On another warm (to hot) summer day you sit down for a Teaching, assuming that I Am here… hearing… and willing to respond. Still, this desk and table are a mess, even as you have promised to “neaten” them. Positively, you have been re-reading Teachings from 10 years back, as well as some from 7, back. You have re-read, yet again, the Book of Habakkuk, which your group will discuss, tomorrow morning.

You are pleased with and proud of these volumes of Teachings, and these printed ones are particularly “valued” for they represent the time, talent, and dedication of your son John Patrick. There is a fine consistency in these Teachings, another “proof” that it is I, Holy Spirit, Who “send” them to you. You should be pleased… and you are… that you were chosen to hear Me in this this special, continuing way. I don’t say that these are comparable to the official Holy Scriptures, but I do say that they relate more directly to your life and to life more than 1900 years later than even the New Testament.

As you reread what I have given too you, you feel that what I have said to you is comparable to (even better than) the Books of Habakkuk and Malachi… and certainly more relevant than these “Teachings” of 600 years before My life, as Jesus.

… You recognize and accept that this “accident” involving your feet, directly (and your whole self, including spirit) was a blow to your “consistency,” as a person and retiree. And now there looms the threat of blindness, which would be an even greater blow to consistency in these last years of your life. And so you must consider the laser treatment, which, hopefully, will give you some more sighted life.

Your life is simpler now that it was 7 and 10 years ago, evidenced by the Teachings of those years. Yet you haven’t been able to settle on some behaviors that will cause it to be both simpler and consistent. No, not yet. (And you do wonder whether you would be willing and able to bring this study of yours [Ours] into a sustained neatness. It seems to be always “tomorrow” or “next week” that you will accomplish such!)

Life, of course, is not a consistent experience. You muse upon the places you’ve lived and the experiences you’ve had. There is a certain connectiveness, because it is your life, but, while it has had no great sorrows, it has had many ups and a few downs. Even now, well into retirement, you value consistency, but… “how much?” There are still choices to be made, and, then, evaluations of those choices. And you are not always pleased with the results of these evaluations.

As you read Habakkuk you wonder if this present time is similar to what he describes. Of course, you watch, hear, and read the news of each day, and it often seems as though these times are just as troublesome to Me as those Habakkuk experienced. I haven’t “picked” you as a prophet, so I don’t tell you of how I may act in today’s world. I obviously haven’t prevented all violence, but that I prevented some, even much?

I have told you, often, that the human population and some of its “technological progress” must be slowed. But, you agree, how can this be without some forms of what you would call disaster? You don’t know how actually dependent you are on urbanization and modernization. Would your life be “as good” if “tragedies” would increase?

And thus, you can feel comfortable with whatever length and quality of life that shall be yours to have. But do you want to “move on” with a Study this cluttered? What is your best, “current” balance?

WED., AUG. 22, 2001, 12:05 PM

On another warm (to hot) summer day you sit down for a Teaching, assuming that I Am here… hearing… and willing to respond. Still, this desk and table are a mess, even as you have promised to “neaten” them. Positively, you have been re-reading Teachings from 10 years back, as well as some from 7, back. You have re-read, yet again, the Book of Habakkuk, which your group will discuss, tomorrow morning.

You are pleased with and proud of these volumes of Teachings, and these printed ones are particularly . . .

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