
TUES., SEPT. 29, 1998, 6:26 AM

One of your assignments in this time of being Emeritus/retired is to develop the “art” of contemplation. You have some vague idea of what it is and how you should “do it”, but you’ve had little real success, thus far. Perhaps I can help. I’ll give it a try!

I have mentioned before that there is a similarity with this receiving of Teachings, which you now do quite well. It wasn’t easy and natural at first, but you stayed with it until you could do it rather easily. (Early on, your mind had a tendency to rush in and say “He wouldn’t say that…or that way”, and you had to learn that what you heard you should write down. I am aware of all that you notice and perceive, and I use your vocabulary and syntax, just as I used that of those who wrote what is now Holy Scripture.)

In contemplation you needn’t worry about whether the thoughts are yours or Mine. When you have it “right” it shall be an untanglable mixture of these. It shall be a mixture of your mind and spirit, and My spirit easily influences yours by this time.

Like unto what We do together… these Teachings… you obviously need a quiet place and some time when you won’t be interrupted. While the warm weather continues the white rocking chair in the sun is good. (6:46 / 6:50). (There will be interruptions similar to this one, and you’ll just have to get used to getting back into the mood… and mode.) The meditation garden should be another good setting, even in cooler weather. And, of course, when the weather is cold, the fireplace… even the little stove in here… can aid and abet your contemplating.

The focus can be an idea, a happening, even a phrase or word. Your “task” will be to “explore” this focus, slowly, carefully, and thoroughly. There is no hurry. It is not something to do in record time. The difficult discipline, for you, will be preventing your mind from going off on tangents. Contemplation is almost the opposite of free association, which you do easily and “well”. In contemplation you have to resist these “now natural” tendencies to follow a thought to something else… and then something else… and then… It is a discipline, just as this is. It’ll take some time and practice to develop. Realize this and don’t succumb to frustration.

Also don’t try too hard. Be satisfied, now, with a few minutes of success. I have confidence that you can develop… this disciplined art. At your age, and in this place you wonder whether or not you can learn something that seems difficult. I have confidence that, with My Help, you can. But you’ll have to “do the work”.

Why should you be doing this? What is the value in being able to contemplate? Your culture is one awash with ideas and events, each in competition with all of the rest. Newscasts and broadcasts edit and concentrate, so that you are encouraged to think that way. (Your attempt to take in no more in relation to Bill and Monica was commendable. React similarly to other exaggerated happenings.) Thus, I say you now have the time to consider some important issues in some depth. It is a way to generate wisdom, which is to be preferred over just knowledge.

Again, in your culture there is a dominant desire to be current… to discard the “old” for the “new”…and also (Our original thought for this sentence) to separate the spiritual from the secular and material. Contemplation should help you to remesh these so that you are seeing issues and events in a way that is whole… and holy.

TUES., SEPT. 29, 1998, 6:26 AM

One of your assignments in this time of being Emeritus/retired is to develop the “art” of contemplation. You have some vague idea of what it is and how you should “do it”, but you’ve had little real success, thus far. Perhaps I can help. I’ll give it a try!

I have mentioned before that there is a similarity with this receiving of Teachings, which you now do quite well. It wasn’t easy and natural at first, but you stayed with it until you could do it rather . . .

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