
TUES., JUNE 25, 2001, 3:39 PM

… can be of the past. This can be your personal past, as you remember it, but, now, should not be limited to what happened… but why and what were the consequences? As you remember certain times and events and contemplate them you should be able to recall… or realize, for the first time… why something happened and, how did it affect your life. (At this time you don’t anticipate writing this all down. It could be worthwhile… and another “alternative” would be telling it to John Patrick… or just tape recording your recollections… perhaps with John Patrick or Matthew present and “participating.”)

You should be able to see how and why contemplation would be helpful. The first step is to remember what happened… and then be able to describe such. Then contemplation could help you tell why this was important… or not, and how it related to past events or experiences. You’ve done some of this already, but without much “organization” or “system.” Consider… and begin to apply what I’m suggesting. It won’t come easy, so be patient and try, try again.

Your memories go back till you were about 4 or 5 years of age. So this means you have at least some “raw material” from 70 years of earth life, as Bob Russell. Don’t pick “an approach” without trying out… chronological continuity OR events and times as they “come up.”

(Contemplation)… is also needed for the present. This means contemplating what is about to happen to you, how it “went”, and whether there was some special meaning to what you experienced. If you attempted this, somewhat often, you could discern more meaning in present experiences, which could be valuable. You see, now your experiences aren’t as numerous or as frequent as in most of your adult life, so it should not be as “troublesome” to see these in a “wider light,” now when experiences are “more manageable.”

Another factor, of course, is the deterioration of your memory and mind, so that it will not be as easy now to do this… as, say, 4 or 5 years ago. BUT you’ll also be predictably “better at it” than you will be… next year, or further into the future. Also realize that, often, one memory, “dredged up,” will trigger another one, unremembered. And if you contemplate current happenings or activities, one recall may bring forth more than you expected.

You have been one to enter into experiences rather wholeheartedly, being a participant, seeking to do your best. This shall continue, but now I recommend a “balance” with more… stepping back and contemplating the “scene” as it is happening. You do this, some but now I recommend more of this “back and forth,” or “in and out.” Whatever you’re doing… back off and consider “what this is?” and “why?”

(Contemplation)… can and should also “target” the future. You may consider that you don’t have much “future” as Bob Russell, here in the earth. Well, there certainly will be fewer years than “have been,” but take some time and attention to projecting into the future… as if you will be here, in some form… OR that such contemplation will be good for your soul, as it moves on to… whatever and wherever.

Now I realize that such a “closing” could suggest that your future “in heaven” is not assured. Just don’t forget to what I have led you in this life – a “wider picture” than just a “sedentary” heaven OR an uncomfortable hell, for eternity. Rather I have made you aware of “Many Mansions” – that your soul development continues, in “appropriate” ways, until there is no longer need for growth, and you “merge back into” Me. You are still part of the spiritual “whole,” but no longer in need of a personal identity.

( 4:35 / 8:03 )

TUES., JUNE 25, 2001, 3:39 PM

… can be of the past. This can be your personal past, as you remember it, but, now, should not be limited to what happened… but why and what were the consequences? As you remember certain times and events and contemplate them you should be able to recall… or realize, for the first time… why something happened and, how did it affect your life. (At this time you don’t anticipate writing this all down. It could be worthwhile… and another “alternative” would be telling it to John Patrick… or just tape . . .

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