Continue To Rejoice

FRI., JUNE 2, 1995, 10:52 AM

You sat on your bench in Peter’s Park last evening, with your faithful Charity, and you thought and talked about life. It was a muse with mostly positive tones, for, as I told you, your life, this time in the earth, is quite ideal. Your work, for which you are well-paid, is enjoyable, in your courses, colleagues, and the students themselves. You look forward to the next 2 weeks, when you will conduct this familiar course. It shall be wearing and time consuming, but mostly fun.

This is an enjoyable place to live, and you hope for several years beyond retirement when you can make it both more functional and more beautiful. It is right for you to rejoice as you appreciate the sacredness of this place…and how you have been able to communicate this to some number of students. Rejoice in the classes you can have out here in these last years of professoring.

You are aware of what you can rightly call “small imperfections” in your body’s functioning. Yet I still call for you to rejoice that so much of it works quite well. Don’t let yourself edge into focusing on the malfunctioning. As you know, all that will do is encourage more dysfunction. Rejoice in your strengths and in your continuing capacities. Rejoicing is the best medicine there is, for it is the link with me, and I am, finally, the Wellspring of complete health. Be thankful to Me, and that rejoicing will be reflected in your body’s positive responses.

Rejoice that you have a happy relationship in a church, the style of which is quite compatible with many of your needs. You like most of the people, and feel real love for some of them. You have a somewhat important niche in writing the monthly newsletter, and you look forward to leading the Bible study forum next Fall. Rejoice that several of your other responsibilities are now past…and be wary of taking on any more. You have a nice balance now.

There would be more rejoicing if there were a few more folks, including clergy, from that congregation who would appreciate the relationship that you and I have…these Teachings, the Ruminations, and the theology that these represent. Your major solace is that there probably isn’t a congregation that would be more open to this mystical “thing” We have…and that would have a worship style and other spiritual and secular perceptions like unto yours. So you could rejoice that you’re not rejected…for you know that some number of those dedicated to Me, in My love for diversity, just have to reject you as you claim this “closeness”.

Continue to rejoice that the earth continues to function well, and that much human activity does consider My Will and Way…is loving and helpful to others. Of course there are many destructive activities, too, and a bit too much selfishness by a few. It is hard for many of you to see that losses of earth lives, at this time, is desirable. Some will die in or because of warfare. Others will succumb to diseases and infections, some new but others quite “experienced” in limiting human life. There will be accidents and natural disasters…and as long as there are guns there will be the killers and those killed. Continue to be aware that humans are still increasing. Enjoy those that are close to you, and be little bothered by deaths.

FRI., JUNE 2, 1995, 10:52 AM

You sat on your bench in Peter’s Park last evening, with your faithful Charity, and you thought and talked about life. It was a muse with mostly positive tones, for, as I told you, your life, this time in the earth, is quite ideal. Your work, for which you are well-paid, is enjoyable, in your courses, colleagues, and the students themselves. You look forward to the next 2 weeks, when you will conduct this familiar course. It shall be wearing and time consuming, but mostly fun.

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