Contrasting Futures

THURS., MAR. 9, 2000, 1:35 PM

You know by now, o son, that I am not One to tell you what will happen in the future. Part of the nature of earth life is that even the most perceptive and most spiritually akamai among you can only speculate about the future, and “I won’t tell.” You are one who realizes that you don’t have a long future, and, hence, enjoyment of “what is” is highly recommended. Yet you still are interested in predictions about the future, given present conditions.

I have told you that I would prefer a smaller and less “growth minded” human population, but I’m not willing to cause, or even to allow, conditions that would make for population loss, even a balance of births with deaths. The predictions you just have read for the first portion of this new century (yes, I can use “time words”, even as most indications of “what time is it now” are not relevant for Me) are rather grim if humans don’t make some rather drastic changes in life-style and “what is desirable?”

But then you sat in the warm sun (“catching a few rays”) and looked out over your place and concluded that you were “a most lucky fellow”! You look out now and see the initial “buds” from which will come good-sized leaves, and you know that, soon, your view will be of leaves rather than of blue sky.

One future, which seems to pass you by, like unto the traffic on Hwy 51, east of here, is a future of advanced technology, new energy sources, a richer, fully life for all 6 billion of you humans now here… and for additions to your “midst.” This is envisioned by some, but with no agreed upon ways to achieve this. It is based upon the premise – “look what we’ve achieved thus far… we’ll just continue developing more for ‘the good life’.”

A contrasting future is based on the premise that the advancements of your culture, and others similar, are about as far as you can go because of the “cost” to this earth environment. More “progress” will produce more wastes and more chaos, and more negative consequences. In other words, the costs will be greater than the gains.

Though I do “lean toward” this second future, I am quite willing to relate to humans, in any environment, who call on Me, in any of many ways and forms. I could and would relate to spirits in any future, even quite a “high tech” one. But I do know, better than any of you and any of your sophisticated computer programs, about the limits of this earth and of the capacities of forms of life, called undesirable by most humans, to upset present balances and affect new ones, less favorable to humans.

But now hear of another way of contrasting futures. In one future human values and human wants are supreme. There is little consideration given to Me, as the Creator and Sustainer God. It is assumed that I approve of everything that humans can do to “better themselves”… that is if I exist at all and have any powers. If I do exist it isn’t really important, for it is obvious that I have given power, in the earth, to those who can develop it. Life is basically about the material, not about spirit.

The contrast is that the essence of life is spirit. I am the Holy Spirit, and the major purpose of earth life is to grow in spirit, by serving Me, appreciating and being good stewards of this earth, and relating gently and helpfully with other humans who have needs, particularly spiritual ones. The length of an earth life is not important, unless it is a life of service to Me, actively or contemplatively.

For you, personally, o son, you could seek treatment for your cancer and could possibly live longer, in time, by enduring radiation of your cancerous regions. This would push you to perceive that your life is determined by radical medical procedures.

THURS., MAR. 9, 2000, 1:35 PM

You know by now, o son, that I am not One to tell you what will happen in the future. Part of the nature of earth life is that even the most perceptive and most spiritually akamai among you can only speculate about the future, and “I won’t tell.” You are one who realizes that you don’t have a long future, and, hence, enjoyment of “what is” is highly recommended. Yet you still are interested in predictions about the future, given present conditions.

I have told you that I . . .

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