Control Of Pain?

THURS., FEB. 24, 1994, 5:03 AM

Last evening you had an experience that should stand as a good lesson for you. You were appropriately cocky as you assessed your control of the pain in your right leg. All day you had been pain free, and taking the single pill as you felt the aura develop seemed to be just the right remedy.

And then “pain triumphed.” You called on Me less and less. (Remember… even as I may not be an active, deliberate cause or even factor in the process of pain I want you to acknowledge the possibility of such an involvement and to thank Me when I could have been an aide, in, perhaps, several ways. You weren’t doing this.) You could not welcome the pain back. You were not appreciating this important aspect of your personality. So you again felt the waves, and, for a time, you hurt.

In this early morning hour I want you to appreciate this power of pain… the power to carry you through a good, but difficult, lesson. You felt physical pain. You had not triumphed , permanently. It was not to be controlled so much as to be managed. As you feel it now it is manageable but not conquered. Spirit should have the management right, and, in exchange, allow some pain. I want to be dominant in your life, but I will allow you to override Me at times. This is artful, spiritual balancing.

There are many forms and types of pain. Some you can enjoy. Others are much more difficult to appreciate, being challenges to the effectiveness of your own spirit. You gasped and moaned. You could have appreciated the whole “scene” more fully. With some recovery of control you had a reasonably good night’s sleep… and got up early enough for this Teaching.

You have almost internalized an holistic view of life… and therefore of pain… but every now and again your thoughts and actions don’t hew to true holistic premises. The body is an earth reality. The fact that it isn’t in most other realms should make this more, rather than less, important. Pain is basically a protective mechanism for the body. Something is wrong… and My servant Donald is right in seeking to correct the wrong rather than just suppressing the pain. You see that giving in completely to pain is wasteful, for you lose control. Spirit should manage pain, but allow some, with appreciation. And now you are off on another day, where balance shall be different. Appreciate the experience, as much as possible. Enjoy respites, but see these as such. Pain is a normal component of life now. Accept this rather than denying it. I shall help, but I am much more than some “super palliative.”

You should realize that there is some psychic pain, for you, in not being able to control your pain consistently. You want to be able to do this, and when you seem to fail this realization is painful. Yet there also is some pleasure in coming through a time of pain “unscathed” and “unbowed”. And this certainly can be a triumph of spirit as well as a strong emotion.

THURS., FEB. 24, 1994, 5:03 AM

Last evening you had an experience that should stand as a good lesson for you. You were appropriately cocky as you assessed your control of the pain in your right leg. All day you had been pain free, and taking the single pill as you felt the aura develop seemed to be just the right remedy.

And then “pain triumphed.” You called on Me less and less. (Remember… even as I may not be an active, deliberate cause or even factor in the process of pain I want you to acknowledge . . .

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