Convention Musings

MON., NOV. 14, 1983, 7:58 AM

A time of convention, o son, which always brings you to Me and this meditation, even in awkward settings such as this. Convention is a time of learning and a time of reaffirming your professional directions or accepting a stimulus for some new ways to proceed. Though it might not seem logical from most points of view, a time of convention is not properly balanced without some words from Me. So here you are, though without the proper writing instrument.

Convention is a time for manifesting spirit, and though you do it naturally you are not as aware and appreciative as you should be of these exchanges. Remember that you have a certain reputation as one concerned with spirit, so it should not be difficult for you to ask about spiritual matters and growth as you are talking with colleagues. Be equally aware of balance, however, and do not let this become your only identification. You do not need to be told this, but you need to be reminded.

The session this evening on religion, spirit, and health will be an important one, so do not let the party spirit deter you from being at that gathering and taking notes as appropriate. Be prepared for that. It must be a conscious priority on this day. Remember to be aware of My presence and influence as the speakers proceed. There is an advantage in being up front and obvious in your presence, but I also want you to see and note who is present. This knowledge may be as important as the content of the presentations. Balance these two “assignments”, please.

Convention is a time of interaction with people, some of which is a deepening of established friendships and relationships, and some new and commencing. Know that you certainly are not too old to begin new relationships. You need not set any “quotas”, but it would not be good convention spirit to leave without at least 2 or 3 new friendships begun. Be aware of this need, especially in the next two evenings.

This same principle needs to be applied in your choice of professional sessions to attend. Some choices should favor health education and your established colleagues, but these should be balanced by others that put you among relative strangers, receiving information and ideas important to your professional growth. Establish this good convention rhythm.

Consider the possibility of a book project dealing with the environment. Follow this up, but do not lose sight of the unfulfilled responsibilities in writing that already lie ahead of you. Four Ruminations per year is still My goal for you, so do not plan without this strong recommendation in mind. You shall do this one more this year, and even that one shall squeeze you a bit. Then there must be another in the winter months if the goal is to be approached. Be aware of priorities. You eventually shall do another book, but you shall know when it is “the right one”. I guide and lead, remember. You are not the master of your own life, and you accept this well. It is the best for both of us.

You are rather well aware of the spirit in and around your Farm and your university. This is now a short opportunity to feel and observe the spirit in a large, bustling city and in a large convention of people. Spirit is in individuals, in groups, in interactions, and in places. It is there for you to appreciate. Be sure and do so. It is different… and yet, in some ways, the same.

MON., NOV. 14, 1983, 7:58 AM

A time of convention, o son, which always brings you to Me and this meditation, even in awkward settings such as this. Convention is a time of learning and a time of reaffirming your professional directions or accepting a stimulus for some new ways to proceed. Though it might not seem logical from most points of view, a time of convention is not properly balanced without some words from Me. So here you are, though without the proper writing instrument.

Convention is a time for manifesting spirit, and though you do . . .

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