
TUES., JULY 30, 1996, 6:33 AM

You are well into this little book of “Conversations” with Me, written down in a process quite similar to the one We’ve developed. I could have utilized this format with you, but you were not as desperate as Neale and didn’t have all of the questions he had. Actually the style is closer to that of Our Ruminations, which is more like a dialogue, with Me as the Source.

I told you to mark the book as you read it, and while this naturally slows down the reading it is helpful when you read it again for recall of what you thought was important. I didn’t tell you what to mark, but you decided on… the important statements, those very important, and a few super important ones… plus some that seem to disagree or conflict with My Teachings to you. Now, one interesting question: did you decide on this of your own free will or did I influence you indirectly?

For this seems to be a conflict. I say to Neale that he has free will, and I will not interfere with this (it is not My Nature to do this). If I want him to do something I just wait until he decides, without My prodding, no matter how long it takes. In fact, I say that I really don’t care about any actions. In somewhat of a different mode I tell you that you and I are now in a friendly partnership, an ideal student-teacher relationship. If you remember, I commenced with the condition that I would provide the title and then the Teaching. You were not to make requests or ask questions. I have softened this condition, over the years. We now work these out almost jointly.

I still tell you that you have a will that arises from and then activates body, mind, and spirit. It is an important part of you, and I let it operate in most of the circumstances of everyday life. But I also have a will (if I didn’t how could you have one?). And it is a super will. I tell you that I do want certain happenings, and I prevent others. (And, also remember, you can never know what I prevent, unless I tell you.)

I am not consistent, and for anyone to affirm that I must be is the creation of another God. With many humans I let their wills prevail, and they may be as they think best. This produces some good and some not-so-good results. With others (and I don’t dabble in numbers or percentages… much) I influence, I lead, I guide… occasionally I command. Moses didn’t freely choose to be the leader My chosen people needed. Paul didn’t freely choose to be the “spark” that encouraged My Body, the Church, in gentile communities. Even Judas didn’t freely choose to betray Me, as Jesus.

So, I don’t “run” this earth scene like a dictator, but, patient as I am, I do exert My Will on certain folk. And you are one. Why? No good reason. (Do I have to present a “good reason”?) It is just part of the fun of being God, in 3 Persons. I like the results of both free will and “shared will”.

Another apparent conflict is in the importance of self… being Who You Are. With you I modify this emphasis. Spirit is your essence. You have only a vague sense of how this spirit has developed, in other bodies and in other realms. Now you are Bob Russell, with all that includes, so live that out fully. But when this lap of the journey is over you shall see more clearly who you totally are, in spirit. Being Bob Russell will have added to that, but you will have given up something good for something better.

TUES., JULY 30, 1996, 6:33 AM

You are well into this little book of “Conversations” with Me, written down in a process quite similar to the one We’ve developed. I could have utilized this format with you, but you were not as desperate as Neale and didn’t have all of the questions he had. Actually the style is closer to that of Our Ruminations, which is more like a dialogue, with Me as the Source.

I told you to mark the book as you read it, and while this naturally slows down the reading it . . .

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