Conversations… Some More

WED., AUG. 14, 1996, 12:15 PM

Now that it’s rather clear that We’ll create a Ruminations focused on Conversations With God I’ll need to offer you a few more Teachings, from which you can choose, for the actual Letter. After this one today I suggest that you go through and select passages for possible inclusion, from what I’ve told Neale. Then you can go through the titles of My Teachings to you, and from such an “accumulation” We’ll create a late summer “contribution”.

But first, a somewhat tangential comment coming from this morning’s after-breakfast discussion. You passed up another chance to affirm that I do “speak”, clearly enough for you to record, in this time and place. I did not cease My communication with humans at the end of the first century A.D. This is a supreme example of both/and thinking. My Holy Scriptures, from Genesis through Revelation, are My “official” word to you Christians, and these are sufficient for the life I want you to lead. And, I, the Holy Spirit, offer you Teachings that are more current than the Bible, are specific to you and your life, and can be helpful to other Christians and other spiritual seekers. At times and in some ways these “Sources” may not seem consistent. That doesn’t bother Me. Why should it bother you?

Don’t expect much praise and adulation. You’ll get some, but what you are doing is spiritually frightening to many of your contemporaries. You probably won’t join Stephen in being stoned to death, but few will be comfortable with what you record and Who you claim to be the Source. (Remember that I am still the Holy Ghost…One who scares people.)

I and the Father and the Son are One, and We enjoy being God. We have a Supreme Sense of Fun and Humor. We smile and laugh much more than We cry and mourn. This earth scene is the most unique of all My realms, designed perfectly for special sorts of spiritual growth. I determine… a bit. I allow… a lot. I allow all sorts of “evil”, to stimulate the “good”. Consider how your immune system functions. Harmful, destructive organisms enter the body. Immune cells are mobilized and balance is restored… most of the time. Good is encouraged in the presence of evil.

Your culture has a strong “problems” orientation. So Christians in your culture tend to saddle Me with such a characteristic. Not so. There are lots of adaptations to be made, but very few problems, from My perspective. I have allowed some disabilities in your hips, legs, and feet. You still have a bit too much feeling that your body should work perfectly, even after three score and ten years. But I smile when I watch you function well, with few thoughts about “solving the problem”.

Most fundamentally different is My perception, from your culture’s, that death is not a “problem to solve”. Death is mostly an opportunity. I see much effort and many resources going into prolonging life and postponing death, and I approve of very little of it. I still allow it… and I do intervene occasionally, for a variety of reasons, but death is as natural as sleep. Trying to live longer and longer is akin to trying to stay awake indefinitely. The final efforts, in both cases, are uncomfortable, at best, and what you’re trying to postpone finally wins out. And, then, so do you, as the spiritual being you are, in essence. Then it’s on to some other opportunities for growth and development.

“Who is this, really?!” Remember that memorable line from Bill Cosby’s rendition of Noah?! The answer, “This is the Lord, Noah!”, to which he replied, “Right!” (1:10 / 1:10) But the question is a very high level one… Who am I? What am I like? It should be obvious that I am the “super-chameleon”. I can be jovial and joking. I can be angry and demanding. I can be loquacious (as I am with you). I can be mum… as mum can be. I can be a hard task master. I can be a liberal, forgiving “cream-puff”. I can appear to be consistent. I can obviously be inconsistent, even contradictory.

I want you to live for others. I want you to live for yourself. I want you to be continually balancing. Mess up… do something unexpectedly good. Disappoint yourself. Be proud of yourself.

Work hard. Just putter. Laugh a lot. Laugh even more. Then feel sorrow, but know that I continue to smile. This is My World… My Best.

So it is
1:21 PM