Conversatsions… II

WED., JULY 31, 1996, 8:40 AM

Since I have been pushing you, as a health education professional, toward a positive, holistic perception of health I see it as quite appropriate that I comment on how Conversations with God presents Me and My Ways as being quite similar to what I say to you. I’ll reiterate, of course, that there are different teachings and messages for different people… including the message that there is only one True message.

As I converse with Neale I am a positive, loving God, not at all concerned with punishing and excluding people for sins, presumably committed against Me. I also say, in effect, that any experience, however painful and tragic, can be one that encourages spiritual growth. I am not concerned with what people do or what happens to anyone. Rather I am interested in how each reacts… what each makes of the experience.

In this spirit I am not bothered by the fact that your two legs don’t work in comparable ways, that there is some discomfort in walking, weakness in standing up, and that however you approach it, your walk has a limp to it. I am pleased that you are as positive as you are, with little focus on “getting it fixed”. Keep your spirit positively vibrant, and the imperfections will remain minor. I did not cause this to happen, but I did allow it. I have no objection to perfection in physical functioning, but the aging process seems necessary in earth life, and that means some difficulties, and yours are still pretty minor.

Despite many Old Testament Scriptures I tell you, and Neale, that I am not a God of vengeance and retribution. There are consequences for thoughts that become words that provoke actions. I see whole persons, even 5.8 billion or more, and I see incredible combinations. Rarely is anyone pure “good” or pure “bad”. And I tell you both (but not most other Christians) that most of you are not brand-new souls, and part of the way anyone thinks and acts comes from experiences before this present life. Why such a “system”?

It just seems preferable to “one strike and you’re out”. Imagine a justice system where the conviction for one crime (one life) meant hellish, imprisonment for the rest of your life, even if this occurred early in life. Oh, this would be easier…either/or always seems easier. I just see much more than the obvious sins. It’s obvious that even in one earth lifetime some can “mess-up” early and then “repent” and live the elder portion of life in peace, love, even service. But some take “longer,” and remember that I am outside of time and very little concerned with the apparent restrictions from time.

The laws of thermodynamics are also applicable to human spiritual life. In the non-human application everything is, ultimately, energy, and energy is not lost or gained, but merely transformed. Atoms of elements move from one form of living matter to another, as well as in “non-living” matter. In comparable ways spirit, an individual spirit, can be in many “forms”, one of which is a human body. (Spirit can also be manifested in animals and plants, but I won’t deal with that here.) The major difference is that there is some purpose in how spirit is manifested, while O2 molecules have no such guiding purposes.

I continue to tell you that there is a kind of end to this spiritual growth process. When a soul reaches a state of grace… enlightenment… nirvana… when there are no desires other than to be with and serve Me, there can be a “merging” back into Me, the Holy Spirit. There is no longer a need for that individual spirit-accomplished soul. You become part of Me, but then “new” spirits come forth from Me. It’s a process only I can fully understand.

WED., JULY 31, 1996, 8:40 AM

Since I have been pushing you, as a health education professional, toward a positive, holistic perception of health I see it as quite appropriate that I comment on how Conversations with God presents Me and My Ways as being quite similar to what I say to you. I’ll reiterate, of course, that there are different teachings and messages for different people… including the message that there is only one True message.

As I converse with Neale I am a positive, loving God, not at all concerned with punishing and excluding . . .

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