
MON., OCT. 17, 1988, 6:20 AM

You are not at all sure what a Teaching with this title will include. Yet you saw the theme quite clearly, and so you must proceed in faith. As I have told you many times your life role is not that of counselor, but you shall have many opportunities to perform such services and to be of help to friends. Yesterday you had two such occasions, different as they were. Hear, o son, in this dark of the early morning.

Counseling can be a most spiritual service. Ideally, there is a human person with a problem… on to one with a thoroughly “messed up” life… and a counselor with developed counseling skills, some knowledge and experience in the specific area of the problem, and a well developed spirit that unifies and directs the encounter and the interchange. When any one of thee necessities is missing or in “short supply” the result is likely to be less successful.

You do not have the properly developed skills for counseling. It is not your proper role in life, so this is acceptable to Me, but just from living these many years and being in communication with counselors you have enough rough skills to be adequate in some situations. You cannot think of any ways to really help Dorothy, but you were a helpful listener., for her primary need is to have friends who will participate in her life with her. Lenore has more potentially useful ideas, and she will help in her special ways. Just continue to be Dorothy’s friend and be of help as your spirit directs.

In the situation with Terri you were much more comfortable and knowledgeable. It would be wise to check that one point for accuracy of interpretation, but, generally, you were the confident, experienced counselor, which is what she needed. Her academic program is mostly ahead of her, and she needs assurance that what she is planning is right. You need to see that she has experiences that shall increase her capacities in the spiritual dimension of health.

Speaking of encouragement, the letter to Sue is long overdue, and you need to continue as a mentor for this fine young woman counselor. She is one with both natural and developed skills, now acquiring more and more knowledge of people’s problems. Most importantly, she has a wonderfully growing and developing spirit, which she is quite willing to let guide her in encounters with clients. This is a relationship (with her) that I do not want you to let lie fallow. It will take some attention, but it is important for both of you. Her effectiveness is enhanced when she can be sure she has you as a supportive friend.

Another neglect on your part is Kris. She made the supreme effort to write to you, and you have not been the particular counselor/friend to her that she needs. She needs to know that I care about her, and I do… and you are the one that can assure her of this most believably. With continued help she should be able to return to teaching, in which she can be most effective… and such experiences push her on toward greater recovery. You’re busy, but you mut not be too busy for Kris.

You are part of a culture that is complex, changing, and full of conflicting values and actions. Even you, with your hand fully in Mine, have difficulties with some aspects of life. Virtually every person in your family and in your surroundings has some aspects of life that are difficult. So, it is a culture wherein each needs some assistance and yet can give support and strength to others. This is not a “mistake” or a situation beyond My control. I know that it is, in a sense, a “make or break” culture, and you can do well in it, with My help.

Remember always that I am the ultimate Counselor. I have supremely developed skills, boundless knowledge, and I am the fount and wellspring of spiritual energy and power. I just don’t communicate as directly with many as I do with you. Use this advantage, that you have, for others.

So let it be
7:20 AM