Creation… And Covenant

WED., OCT. 20, 1993, 4:31 AM

These stories of My early dealings with humans, recorded in Genesis, are wonderful, symbolic stories. It is not at all important that every detail be true, historically. I created, and I still am creating. It is not important that I created an Adam fresh and full grown from the earth or that I slipped an immortal soul into one who had been evolving. It is a wonderful concept that woman was created out of man, in order that henceforth all human life should come forth from women.

The Garden story, with the talking snake, is both the symbol of disobedience and sin AND of My creative, humorous way of proclaiming that this earth experience can be a hard challenge to spiritual growth. There had to be work to survive, and babies would be born in pain. Then there was murder, a terrible sin OR just My way of dramatizing that death was a part of this earth experience.

Then rather suddenly there was a great population in the earth, and I was displeased with their allegiance and their behaviors… even as there is no record of My nurturing them in spirit. I had created. Now I would destroy. So I picked Noah and deemed him righteous. He built the ark as I directed, gathered the animals in some unexplainable way, boarded the ark with his three sons and their wives, and survived a 40 day and night flood that killed all of humanity and all animal life… but not plants.

After nearly a year in the ark the waters went somewhere and life on the earth commenced again. Righteous Noah got drunk and in his hungover condition cursed one son for no apparent good reason, symbolizing that some people in the earth, would be slaves to others, in years to come.

Then, sometime later, I choose again. I select Abram, I ask him to be faithful to Me, and for that I shall call him righteous. I tell him that his descendants shall be numerous, but he and his wife, Sarai, have no children. He proposes an adoption. I say No. He has a son by a servant woman not of his heritage. I allow both of them to be exiled, saying, in effect, that this is not “the way.” This symbolizes that the faithful shall try to do My will, as they understand it, but I, finally, may do it My Way, miraculously.

So I had Sarai conceive, in her 90’s, and in this way My covenant people would be maintained. For I did make a covenant with this Abram, and changed his name to Abraham, not a major change, you notice. I then proclaimed that the sign of this covenant would be circumcision – the cutting off of the foreskin of the male penis. Does this make any sense? Of course not. The notion that evidence of being a part of this covenant of Mine would be a display of the head of the penis, surrounded by jagged scar tissue, is just wonderfully bizarre, isn’t it!?

Even then, so you read, circumcision was a practice in some other cultures, and not in others. Your culture’s secular medicine decided, some years back, that there was some medical benefit to this practice, so many little boys had this early operation. So, the covenant symbol no longer differentiates.

In your Christian tradition, which, of course, is also My tradition, the covenant is made with individual spirits, not by heritage. You can be Mine with or without circumcision. You can be Mine, fully, as a female (in which circumcision is a painful, useless operation). Baptism is a symbol, but again it is like unto Abram’s schemed to present an adopted son. It is an honest attempt to assure that a baby will be part of the covenant community.

WED., OCT. 20, 1993, 4:31 AM

These stories of My early dealings with humans, recorded in Genesis, are wonderful, symbolic stories. It is not at all important that every detail be true, historically. I created, and I still am creating. It is not important that I created an Adam fresh and full grown from the earth or that I slipped an immortal soul into one who had been evolving. It is a wonderful concept that woman was created out of man, in order that henceforth all human life should come forth from women.

The Garden story, with . . .

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