Creation… No Ka Oe

WED., FEB. 15, 1989, 10:10 AM

Two major stimuli are yours to feel in relation to this title. The presentation last evening was all you needed to hear to help you understand creation from a scientific perspective. (Was I responsible for the incoherence of the defender of evolution? Am I entitled to some fun in the earth?) The development of this day offered you the opportunity to reread, as you printed, the Teaching on One in Three. So now I use these two direct stimuli as a background for this new encouragement to your spiritual growth.

You have no real doubts about My power and My capacity to create. Nor do you doubt that I did create, am creating, and shall create. And yet I do this, beautifully and mystically entwined with natural processes. The notion that creation can occur without some comparable destruction is rather foolish. That I am involved with creation but not with destruction is even more foolish. Or… that I somehow don’t know about destruction or am overpowered… weird!

The only creation that lasts and lasts is the spirit that is the fundamental nature of each human person. Now there is spirit in every living creation and in the earth itself (including things made out of human ingenuity and effort), but such does not persist beyond destruction. The human spirit, however, is in the human soul, which is usually “older” than the body it inhabits. This survives human destruction and continues on its path, with many alternative ways of growing… or regressing.

The rain falls today, as it did yesterday. I did not directly cause it to rain here today, as I did not cause the drought of last early summer, or in northern Africa. I created the water cycle, through creation of the sun, the earth in proper placement in relation to its warmth, and water. Basically, this functions well, though sometimes not to the wishes of particular groups of people. Each place in the earth cannot have perfect climate. Each place shall have some times and types of difficulty with water. No human, no group, nor no computer system could devise a scheme to bless all regions equally, all the time. I sustain best what I create.

Some humans have more trials and tribulations than others. This is, finally, a result of creation. Consider your comfort, security, and happiness and compare this with those of Afghans, Vietnamese, Haitians, and Ethiopians. You are all part of My creation. Some Americans die today from cancer, despite all the complex medical interventions. Others die, suffering from injuries in auto accidents. Still others die from drug overdoses, from gunshot wounds, from decisions for suicide. Some Haitians smile and sing as they prepare simple food and watch their children play. I see all of creation and all of life, “warts and all.”

I reiterate that it is a foolish use of human talent and scientific education when some spend time, effort, and money in attempts to prove evolution or to disprove My role in creation. I still bless individual scientists in such enterprises, and I don’t really have to intervene, for what they produce is of no real value, except to a few, who finally will regret their use of life’s opportunities.

You look up at a plant that is less than perfect. It shows forth both creation and persistence in life. There are stark evidences of death… and also of continuing new life. You should trim it back, removing the marks of death. Would it then remain wholly alive? Only for a short time. It is a clear example of creation, functional life, and continuing destruction. It has the spirit to survive and to send forth new fronds, with some help from you. But it cannot prevent continuing death. The new cannot come forth unless something that has been loses life and turns brown.

WED., FEB. 15, 1989, 10:10 AM

Two major stimuli are yours to feel in relation to this title. The presentation last evening was all you needed to hear to help you understand creation from a scientific perspective. (Was I responsible for the incoherence of the defender of evolution? Am I entitled to some fun in the earth?) The development of this day offered you the opportunity to reread, as you printed, the Teaching on One in Three. So now I use these two direct stimuli as a background for this new encouragement to your spiritual growth . . .

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