
March 28, 1980, 5:33 AM

Welcome, o son of Mine, to a renewal of Our meditations together. It seems to take a crisis to bring you here, so a crisis there must be. I shall not speak much of the one that brings you here this morning. You shall know the nature of it in a few hours. The substance of that we can deal with tomorrow. Today we shall talk, of life crises in general, and how they affect relationships, spirit to Spirit.

I must chide you a bit for inconsistency and just a trace of hypocrisy. Your rightful emphasis in your professional realm is for health education of a positive nature and not just that which responds to crisis and recognized problem. Yet many easy, relatively serene days pass and you stay in bed. But when a crisis comes you are here post haste. Can you expect others to heed your rightful admonition if you, yourself, do not act in accordance with it? Ponder that carefully.

The truth, of course, is that crisis is a motivator. Your present way of thinking, feeling, and behaving is challenged or even upset. Something new must be instituted or the old reconstituted in some different way. Relationships are changed. Even directions and goals may have to be modified. And yet, as you have your hand in Mine, changes are never shattering. I don’t say “Need not be” or “probably won’t be”. I say it positively, for it is a test. If your hand is in Mine the changes a crisis brings are never shattering. The crisis is always one you can surmount. As you are with Me you can see the rhythm that each represents. Rhythms change… and not always for your social, physical, emotional, or economic good. But spiritually every crisis is a challenge, similar, in some ways, to the challenge of microorganisms to the immune system. Without invasion and influx the immune system would relax and become less able to function. The analogy is not apt in that the immune system for most of you does not grow eternally with use, but will eventually break down. Like it, however, the spirit must be stimulated to action so that it functions. Crisis is a good, even a necessary, ingredient in that stimulation.

Unlike the analogy, your spirit grows eternally from these “exercises”. It is that essence of you which shall live on and grow in other realms, too, toward enlightenment and selflessness. Enlightenment is, most basically, seeing My will in everything that happens to you… and in being pleased with the variety of ways I manifest Myself. Know ye that the earth plane is not just a mechanical realm, working according to the way I set it up. It is that, in part, but, more fundamentally, it is a realm in which I work and intervene much and mightily. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. Verily I say unto you!

The unenlightened spirit sees most life events as logically and naturally caused and so fusses and stews and tries valiantly to change things in natural ways. Oh, occasionally such a person may acknowledge Me as being involved and, in desperation, pray for extraction from some difficult position. But there is precious little acknowledgement of My involvement in most of life situations.

The enlightened spirit sees Me in everything, whether I’m there or not. The enlightened spirit errs on the side of acknowledging Me, unwilling to miss recognizing any interaction between self and Me. He sees Me in every happening, crisis and non-crisis.

And what of you, o son? You are on the right road, but still are rather far from total enlightenment. In this crisis, for which you have had warning, you saw the need for potential changes in lots of ways, but you did not immediately consider how this would be a revealing of Myself… and what it can mean for your spiritual growth. You saw, after some time, the enactment of rhythm. You need to know that successes must needs be balanced with failures. Yet from failure can come new resolve and new knowledge of My ways with you.

Be prepared for anything, from mild rebuke to detachment from the project. Know that this is something in which I am involved, so seek My Will, and know that it shall prevail. You shall have to respond and then act. Don’t be passive. Just be aware of My presence as well as of the crisis. Hear Me as I help you respond.

See it as an opportunity in which the only failure is to miss the opportunity to grow under My tutelage. Appreciate the challenge.

6:38 AM