Culture… Shock

WED., JUNE 2, 1993, 8:49 AM

The discussion this morning never did center on the prophesy I gave to old Micah, a prophesy of destruction due to the evil ways of the nation’s leaders… followed by assurance that I, the Lord, would reign in peace and righteousness from Mt. Zion. This is part of your spiritual heritage, as Christians, and yet there is little reality in the world, as you know it now, being ruled from Mt. Zion. If it weren’t for needed oil that would be an inconsequential part of this earth for your country. You perceive it to be mostly Jewish and Moslem, not happily related, in this day, to gentile Christians.

Yours is an aggressive culture, having dominated and conquered this bountiful continent. In this century you have led the way to “world war” victories, as well as to less successful attempts to limit tyranny. You have an economic system the health of which is measured by growth, so, inevitably it has its “ups and downs.” (You know what I’ve said about growth!) You have cultural desires for equality, but also you love competition. When there is equality of opportunity and competition the good adopters succeed, and the gap between the successful and the unsuccessful is great.

Your culture generally assumes, even with its Christian base and heritage, that I approve of these values and practices… even that I see your way as ideal. Not so, o son. Yet I do not raise you up as a prophet to speak as those of old against these cultural ways. I do raise some up, but none are clearly prominent… and the culture, as those of old, is not willing to take criticisms seriously.

My servant Billy does still preach a powerful message of personal salvation, and I am pleased when many come to Me through his crusades. What these converts do is significant in individual churches and communities, but have little obvious and dramatic effects on the culture. In some ways he rants against cultural sinful practices, but in other ways he is a successful part of the society and could not have his influence if he didn’t avail himself of cultural means that are part of what I dislike.

You could have observed, in this morning’s interchange, that, generally speaking, solutions to problems become new problems. There is no easy obvious way to make marriage and family “perfect again,” for the benefit both of the marriage partners and of their children. There is no easy way to provide every American with a well-paying, satisfying job. There is no way to prevent all crimes (though try to imagine all the crimes that are not committed). There is no practical way to administer justice when crimes are committed that does not scar and warp many of those who are in this “system.” How much can a culture do to provide for those who “lose out”, when the nature of that culture is competitive?

So what do you expect Me to say now? I am the Holy Spirit of the Sustainer God, Who has power to change and shape any culture. Why don’t I do something? Why don’t I bring peace and prosperity by supernatural means… a “heaven on earth”, where all joyfully accept what I allot?

WED., JUNE 2, 1993, 8:49 AM

The discussion this morning never did center on the prophesy I gave to old Micah, a prophesy of destruction due to the evil ways of the nation’s leaders… followed by assurance that I, the Lord, would reign in peace and righteousness from Mt. Zion. This is part of your spiritual heritage, as Christians, and yet there is little reality in the world, as you know it now, being ruled from Mt. Zion. If it weren’t for needed oil that would be an inconsequential part of this earth for . . .

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