Curious… Trusting… Honest

SUN., JULY 14, 1996, 12:24 PM

Yes, o son, I am, for you, a writing God, and this pen and paper like this are My means… plus you, of course. You are here in a partly familiar place, some old, familiar buildings and much “progress” over the 48 years since you were part of this school. You had no sense, in those days long past, that you would be sitting here, with birds and tradewinds writing a Teaching from Me, the Holy Spirit… One with Jesus and the Father God. But here you are, and so am I.

You come to Me partly because you are curious about what I’ll say, and how I’ll say it. I have used slightly different modes over the years and in different Teachings. I have told you often that consistency is not My highest value. Your study of Scripture over these recent years certainly affirms this. I can be anything I want to be and need to be.

If I were terribly consistent and predictable there would be less need for trust. Some aspects of your culture have urged Christians, particularly fundamentalist servants of Mine, to mold Me and perceive Me in one particular way, negating all others. There is no mystery. I am completely explained and can be known in only one way. What We do, in these Teachings, cannot be trusted if any of these words and ideas don’t match with Scripture. But then hear this: I approve of this attitude and practice for these folk, just as I come differently to you. Rational, traditional Christians need an occasional mystic as a spur to trust. If I were completely consistent there would be no need for trust. You have to trust Me, rather than some authoritative way endorsed by others, even over many generations.

And then We come to honesty. How honest can you dare to be, in this last year of full-time teaching… and for the rest of your earth life span? Can you share with classes your rather eclectic perspective on death? Can you do an even better job of emphasizing the importance of the spiritual dimension in health? I have given you some unique perspectives on life. Can you honestly share these… and can you tell of your source? Will you lose more than you gain, or gain more than you lose? (Does My Spirit grow when I ask questions of you?!!)

It was a memorable morning. You expected to go to church as you did, but there were additional blessings that you could appreciate. This church, once the one you called yours, is quite different from yours at home… and still very appealing. It is too bad that Joanne and Howard are no longer part of that, but they certainly serve Me well in caring for your aged parents. They are doing what it would be very difficult for you to do, so accept their mission as a unique and important one.

Do not withdraw from your parents. Just sit and be with them, reacting as positively as you can. There’s no need for you to be critical of them and their life. Read some more Teachings to your Dad, if he wants this. Try the walk around the park, alone or with him. Learn from your non-successes as well as from the positive responses. Whatever you do or say won’t likely be remembered by them, so make each day worthwhile.

What you’re doing is an application of this morning’s Scriptural parable. Some of what you do and say will never be remembered. Some will make an impression for awhile, but then be lost. Some will be remembered but won’t fit with other older beliefs and interpretations and thus will have no practical value. But some words, some ideas may become part of your Dad’s perception of now and the future and may be helpful, for as long as his mind, in its deterioration, doesn’t adversely affect his spirit.

SUN., JULY 14, 1996, 12:24 PM

Yes, o son, I am, for you, a writing God, and this pen and paper like this are My means… plus you, of course. You are here in a partly familiar place, some old, familiar buildings and much “progress” over the 48 years since you were part of this school. You had no sense, in those days long past, that you would be sitting here, with birds and tradewinds writing a Teaching from Me, the Holy Spirit… One with Jesus and the Father God. But here you are, and so . . .

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