
THURS., JAN. 3, 1985, 1:13 PM

This is a word that usually has a rather negative connotation, deservedly. Cynicism is the practice of seeing the world, or some aspects of it, in negative ways… often the worst ways possible. Since this is My world, and I am generally pleased with it, the cynical view is usually one not hand in hand with Mine. As you suspect, however, o son, I can approve of a certain amount of cynicism, to balance views that are too Pollyanna-ish, and I have a few true servants who are cynics. Yes, there are a few true Christian cynics.

Your friend, (and Mine) Bill Davis certainly is one of these. His way of seeing the world is usually not a truly happy one, and you might wonder why he still is playing the role of pastor/preacher. Well, as you might suspect, he does not have what you would call free will in this matter. I keep My hand on him, and though he doesn’t hear Me as directly as you do, he does respond to My urgings, and he does a creditable job with his congregation and in his community.

This is not a difficult task for Me, however. Despite his cynicism Bill still feels a calling and a responsibility to help some souls along a path, spiritual, even as it is not overly bright for him. It is his way to say that he really has no alternative vocation, but I know that he still loves and feels good about many aspects of his ministerial duties and opportunities. He should know that I am aware of and appreciate this.

I am not a cynic about this earth realm, and I do not want you to be such, either. Yet I do appreciate those whose views on the dark side provide an important balance among My servants. Remember that I do not desire everyone living (even those living in conscious relationship with Me) to be alike… at some golden mean. There are many paths to spiritual growth and maturity, and some who are cynical by nature (and by nurture) need guidance along a path comfortable to cynics. Who can give this guidance better than one who also sees life in cynical shades?

Black people usually do better with a black preacher. Emotional people usually feel the spirit more in an emotional preacher. You can hear and relate to a wide range of ministers, but most people cannot. Most need someone who sees the world pretty close to the way they do. Even I, as Jesus, didn’t appeal to everyone who heard Me, and those who did were a rather narrow strip of humankind, even in that time. Those who most fervently expect and hope for My return also expect I shall speak their language, have their theology, and preach to them as they expect to hear. But if I satisfy one group of Christians, think how many others would view My second Coming! Pretty disappointing!

Remember also that I said some cynical words, most about the Pharisees. The story of the servant who failed to invest his master’s talents has a cynical tinge to it. “You knew that I was unjust… that I reaped where I had not sown…” And remember the unjust steward…? You should look again at some of My stories and parables and consider whether I do have some leanings toward the Rev. Mr. Davis.

THURS., JAN. 3, 1985, 1:13 PM

This is a word that usually has a rather negative connotation, deservedly. Cynicism is the practice of seeing the world, or some aspects of it, in negative ways… often the worst ways possible. Since this is My world, and I am generally pleased with it, the cynical view is usually one not hand in hand with Mine. As you suspect, however, o son, I can approve of a certain amount of cynicism, to balance views that are too Pollyanna-ish, and I have a few true servants who are cynics. Yes . . .

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