Dangers In Life

SAT., FEB. 10, 1996, 6:59 AM

You rarely remember dreams. You wish you did, for this seems to be a fascinating aspect of life. Now, however, you’ve awakened from a partial sleep, with a stuffed-up nose, and the vivid image of an airliner hitting the house that you were in as it crashed. You heard the roar of the engine, you saw the body of the plane through the window, and you felt the jolt as it seemed to at least graze the dwelling you were in. You were not alarmed, but you woke up before there was any explosion.

Yes, o son, there are dangers in life, though that one is certainly not an imminent one for you. Airplanes do crash, occasionally, with people both in the plane and on the ground being killed. As you thought about this snippet of a dream you considered how probable an explosion would be, with you, where you were, being quite vulnerable. You woke up before such occurred. What if it had been a real situation?

Every day there are people who are saved from death or injury who feel that I, or an angel I have sent, am responsible for the saving act. Occasionally this is true, for My myriad purposes, but, as I have told you, mostly I let the accidents of earth life happen… or I prevent them so that there is no sense that such could have occurred. I do hear “Thank you, Lord’s” from you as you recognize some danger that didn’t finally materialize, and I appreciate your attributing your well-being to Me, even if such is mostly undeserved.

Now that I have raised dangers as Our theme, you recall the scene yesterday… the large truck and trailer with 4 or 5 cars that had been smashed in accidents, barreling through the intersection on the yellow light. There was no accident, but you envisioned the possibility… with the irony of the cars already ruined by crashes being involved again. You have not seen such a collision actually happen. The smashed vehicles are evidence that they do… that I do not always protect.

The danger posed by an earthquake that will some day hit this region is one being talked about again. In another part of your country rising and raging rivers present a danger. Extreme cold is a danger, as is extreme heat. Yet I tell you, and you teach accordingly, that this small planet, Earth, supports life incredibly well. For most people, most of the time, dangers are not actual, or they escape unharmed or with minor injuries. And, also as I have told you, this relative safety for humans has become a problem for Me, as Sustainer of the balance of life here. I may have to allow more death-causing dangers, as humans, My finest Creation, accumulate excessively.

I am seldom praised for deaths that I allow, or even cause. I am supposed to do nothing but prevent and rescue. It is sad when I am rejected because prayers for rescue are not answered just as the pray-er wants. It should be remembered that as I have allowed the development of the automobile, the truck, and the airplane, driven (or flown) by imperfect humans, I have allowed the danger of accidents, and some do occur.

SAT., FEB. 10, 1996, 6:59 AM

You rarely remember dreams. You wish you did, for this seems to be a fascinating aspect of life. Now, however, you’ve awakened from a partial sleep, with a stuffed-up nose, and the vivid image of an airliner hitting the house that you were in as it crashed. You heard the roar of the engine, you saw the body of the plane through the window, and you felt the jolt as it seemed to at least graze the dwelling you were in. You were not alarmed, but you woke up . . .

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