David, My King

TUES., AUG. 1, 1989, 6:20 AM

The sermon you shall give, after preparation, of course, in two Sundays will be on David, My special king. You shall do more research on this man, but you may also expect Me to give you some Teachings that will be of even greater value. You see, this is a learning experience for you, as well as a time of teaching with a small congregation.

David was one of My chosen. In every generation, among every people I choose certain individuals for certain tasks. These tasks may be great, significant, and memorable. So it was with David, My King. Or the task may be rather insignificant, such as the one for which I have chosen you. Yes, you and David are at opposite ends as far as importance and significance goes, but you both are in that train of “the chosen.”

David was chosen as a young lad. He was a shepherd, and a good one. He had musical talent that I could use as it developed in him. He became a natural leader because of his relationship with Me. He became King because it was then a time for kings, and he was called to be that first king.

You, too, were chosen as a young lad, but this was not made known to you. Your relationship with Me was not overt and magnificent, but it kept you related to the church, even as this did not fit in with other aspects of your life. To your surprise now, you were a leader in your youth, with titles as president and commander and dean. You were not an expert technical leader, but you were a “natural” leader that was based in your being chosen by Me.

You had a small musical talent that I have used in a variety of ways. It has developed sufficiently for My purposes. Just be sure you maintain it, for it serves purposes of Mine quite well. David wrote Psalms, and you must give some study to this aspect of him. At Synod School you wrote Psalms that were in David’s tradition. You have not yet written the words to songs that I have given you to include. That still must be done… some day.

You were chosen to be a good teacher in a rather insignificant field at a rather insignificant institution, by the world’s standards. Yet it is where I want you to be, doing what I want you to do. Your leadership now is in your teaching, your writing, and in your relationship with Me. You are not to be a king… or even a chairman… but you are to know, with humble pride, that you are in David’s tradition. Strange, but true.

David was a warrior king. He was that because it was necessary for him to be a warrior, and he was good because he was in relationship with Me. You sometimes feel the urge to be a warrior, even in your young elderly status. Your time to be a warrior never came, except in sports… and in these you were as good as you were because of your relationship with Me.

David had a happy, joyous spirit. I chosen him partly because of this, and it grew under My tutelage. David being king was a good example of My sense of fun. When you preach be sure to emphasize this aspect of David. He enjoyed what he did, exceedingly. As you do, too.

David wanted to build Me a temple. Why didn’t I let him be the builder? No “good” reason. He had had enough acclaim. He needed to have this humbling experience. You aspire to be Teacher of the Year, even in your College of Education. You deserve it, but it shall not be. In this way you and David share.

TUES., AUG. 1, 1989, 6:20 AM

The sermon you shall give, after preparation, of course, in two Sundays will be on David, My special king. You shall do more research on this man, but you may also expect Me to give you some Teachings that will be of even greater value. You see, this is a learning experience for you, as well as a time of teaching with a small congregation.

David was one of My chosen. In every generation, among every people I choose certain individuals for certain tasks. These tasks may be great, significant, and . . .

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