
Nov. 27, 1979, 5:15 AM

This is the morning, o son, to hear My words upon this vital subject.  You were called up this morning.  Yes, I am calling you back before your agreement specifies.  You shall see why as the days go by.

OK, I shall comment first on the missing papers.  Reduce your worry over these.  Get on with the rest of the project.  They shall appear in My good time.  You have plenty to do.  Work diligently with what you have.  Fret not over these two.  They were meant to bring you back for a time regularly.  You need more of My thoughts and My motivations.  I simply couldn’t wait for your “free” will.

The theme this morning is death, but We have not talked of this yet.  You have had this in your heart and mind for sometime, and you know you need My insights.  My convictions.  Among your important “undone” tasks are letters to Aunt Ruth and to the Prices.  These must be composed and sent.  I know the cost in time and energy and attention, but I add My urging to that of your conscience.  Do this writing!

You were impressed, Sunday eve, with the similarity of experience between you and Jerry Landers, in the film.  The message was somewhat different, but the Spirit was much the same.  Yes, I manifest myself in so many ways… and it is fun… as well as serious.  I really do have many messages, and they may seem to conflict with one another.  Don’t worry over this.  If I give you a message to present, do it.  Don’t spend endless hours comparing it or wondering “which is right”.  Proclaim it, in the ways you have and in the ways I indicate are yours to use.

Death is My other door.  You move out of one of My realms at birth, and at death you pass through another door into another non-earthly existence.  Life continues.  Death is an end and yet it is also a beginning… as is each new day.  Sleep is a crude model of the experience.  You pass on into sleep with full confidence that you shall awake and that the new day will be a fine one.  A good attitude to apply to death.  The next experience will have a certain similarity to the present one… not incredibly better, but, also, not terribly worse.  “As you sow, so shall you reap”.  This is a fine, many faceted truth.  Even Truth.

It is natural for some people to fear and try to deny death.  As you see death it is so obvious that all life is gone from the body and the mind.  What was now is no more.  But it is just as natural to accept death as the next door and deny its reality as an end.  It is clear, I’m sure, that I speak plainly to you, o son, even though there is no audible voice and no bodily presence.  You have no doubt that I am here… that you are interacting with a reality.  You hesitate not as the pen moves (I did like that red and silver one… see if you can bring it from death to new life as a symbol of Our work together.)  Oh, as you think in natural terms there is difficulty with this reality, as is the case with death.

But reality transcends the natural.  Death is the “natural” transition from this reality to others, many in content and process.  Yet it is not good to seek the experience before life on earth has run its allotted course.  Your Uncle Emmett crossed over a bit early; he could have learned a bit more in this earth, but he had more to bear than he could.  I don’t intend that, but sometimes challenge is not seen as such.  You can talk about this with him “some day”

I surely don’t wish to give you more challenge than you can bear, but you do need to do some organizing for your Death Education course next term.  I want that to be another great experience – for you and for the class.  But some planning is necessary.  It shall be another experience in false objectivity, but that is necessary for the basic class.  From it shall come opportunities to witness to reality as I have brought it to your mind.

All right.  I’ll give a “last word” on prophesies unfulfilled (or apparently so).  Know ye that I can “Change My Mind”.  Know ye also that intentions interact, just as with you, and sometimes one intention is negated by another, more important one.  Finally, time is different for Me than for you.  Something may just take longer… such as My Coming Again.

Be of good courage in the face of challenge.  It is a fairly important one.  But I am with you.


6:22 AM