
MAY 9, 1981, 6:17 AM

You desire a teaching on this theme, o son, for tonight is the last session in this series on Death in the Life of a Christian. I, the Spirit, am most happy to offer you some insights that you can use. Again I shall say: because I already have influenced your thinking, most of what I say shall not be new or unique for you. Just accept this as the truth of Our relationship.

Death is a crucial event in the earth life of any person, but, fundamentally, it is an illusion. It is an important event because it is the last one, and therefore the last opportunity for the expression of life to others… the last opportunity to express a concern for others and show forth the maturity gained in this earth life. Many use this opportunity well. Their last moments are happy ones for self and for others. They know to what extent they should hold on to this life and to what extent they should accept the change and pass on through My other Door.

Those who have My given perspective on death can balance the sorrow of leaving relationships on-going in the earth with the joy of renewing relationships with those who passed on over earlier… and with the lovely anticipation of renewing the earth relationships at another time… which shall really be no time, in reality.

Just as there are obvious differences in how people live their earthly lives, so are there differences in how souls lead non-earthly lives. Most who lead full, productive earthly lives continue on in whatever realm they enter to serve others and hence to grow and develop as one who loves and “is that others might be.” In a few instances, however, what appeared to be a happy, productive life was really too earth-focused and selfish. Because they do not want to leave the earth they are not open to the new opportunities and may just “sleep” rather than live on as they could. Or, worse, they may “hang around” in the earth, lamenting their departure and disturbing the lives of those with whom they were related… sometimes others.

Also some who did not appear to be successful in life truly blossom in other realms. Either they are not really suited to life in the earth or the choice of circumstance for life was wrong. Interestingly, some of the greatest rejoicing comes when a soul who has led a handicapped or otherwise pitiful life in the earth… but has lived it in a loving style… comes back over. To have lived as one despised and rejected by people but without rancor or self-pity…this is an accomplishment that merits celebration. And We do so celebrate. How? You shall have to wait to experience that.

The most important aspect of death, you should emphasize, is the impetus it should give to those who mourn, but continue in earth life, to give more for others. Let the life gone be a stimulus to enrich lives still here… even ones you had not encountered before. If more people did this, death could be seen as a great blessing for the earth. It is a non-blessing, even a curse, to the extent that it brings forth self-centered mourning and behaviors that are destructive to others.

What about suicide… or deciding and acting as to the time and place of one’s death? It depends entirely on the motivation and on the potential for more service in the earth. When the motivations are essentially unselfish… to free others from burdens which are too much to bear… and when the body and mind are no longer usable, a slightly early departure… and arrival… is of no consequence. Even one mite of selfishness can be accepted… the desire to leave a painful body and non-productive life and rejoin Me and others who have passed on over.

Death is serious… and yet it is not. Death is final, and yet, of course, it need not be. Life should be a continuing adventure in growth and service, with earth only one of the arenas.

Enjoy and serve in this life. But feel no apprehension about “moving on”. I am there, too.

So be it.
7:24 AM