Death: A Mystical Experience

SUN., NOV. 19, 1995, 5:44 AM

It may seem to you that I’m overdoing this theme, but it is both a personal and a professional concern of yours. This Teaching is “inspired”, in part, by Mabel’s affirmations yesterday… along with lingering thoughts about Charity. I’m sorry there is so much confusion and mixed feeling about death… but I realize that My Scriptures have fueled as well as cooled these confusions.

You know that you are closer to death than most of your students, but that you are apparently not as close as Mabel is. Because of your experiences with Me in the mystical and because of your acceptance of an ecological view of life, in which death is a clear necessity, you have a view of death of which I approve. Live each day and all of the life you have as fully as possible, in both accomplishment and joy, but also with some positive anticipation of death.

If you had lived a clearly sinful life, away from Me, then it would be rationally appropriate for you to prefer this life, with which you’re familiar, to possible nothingness OR possible judgment and punishment, even for eternity. But your sins have not been “as scarlet”, and you have been a regular recipient of My friendship and counsel. Hence you should look forward to the life assessment to come and to the next experiences, in this infinite realm of the spirit. You can go out of this familiar room, into a hallway and down the stairs, and then on into another familiar room, where activities are somewhat different. Death is much like this, as you’ll recognize when it is your time to again have this experience.

Pain is a possible complication, and its complication increases when pain relief is expensive. The Golden Rule urges you to project how you would want to be treated and use this as the prime guide for your treatment of others. If you would not want to become a financial burden on your children then you have a basis for expectations that you would not have to be burdened with the expenses of parents. You don’t like pain, but you are not afraid of it, and you have a rather high tolerance for such. You have little actual remembrance of pain, and that, too, is a positive sort of “memory loss”.

You sometimes use the phrase, “No pain, no gain”. There is some mystical truth in this. As Jesus, I willingly went to the cross, even as I knew it would be painful. You still wonder how much pain I actually felt, for, yes, I did have the spiritual power to make that pain inconsequential. I did let the pain prevail, but I also had the knowledge that what I was doing was of such importance to humans, down through these ages since, and this just overcame most of that pain. You had a minor experience of this nature when the experience of digging Charity’s grave overcame most of the pain in your foot, for that time.

To get the most out of the death experience, you should have some positive anticipation of it, AND… this can be mystically combined with a full appreciation of this earth life you’re in now. These are complementary, and needn’t be competitive. (6:24 / 7:22)

SUN., NOV. 19, 1995, 5:44 AM

It may seem to you that I’m overdoing this theme, but it is both a personal and a professional concern of yours. This Teaching is “inspired”, in part, by Mabel’s affirmations yesterday… along with lingering thoughts about Charity. I’m sorry there is so much confusion and mixed feeling about death… but I realize that My Scriptures have fueled as well as cooled these confusions.

You know that you are closer to death than most of your students, but that you are apparently not as close as Mabel is . . .

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