Death And Life, Yet Again

SUN., MAR. 16, 1986, 5:42 AM

It may seem as though I am overdoing the teaching on this theme, but it is an area of your professional expertise… and it is an important aspect of spirit, and I am not satisfied that you know enough about this. This week past you have had several experiences with your animals that were combinations of life and death, and on these I must comment. The visit from the Witness was yet another stimulus for Me. You must compose your Ruminations this week, and I want to be sure you have plenty of material.

One of the values of this Farm is the added experiences it provides in relation to life and death. A cow dies. There is nothing you can do to save or prolong her life, but she has left a calf, full of life, who cannot survive without his mother or you. You wisely used some of the substance she had provided, and thus far you have helped sustain a young life. Then another cow calves, and the young life does not survive. You cannot restore her life, but you can try to bring these two living creatures together for their mutual benefit. Life begets life. Yet life must be sustained, and My plan of nature is sometimes apparently cruel. You can help to modify, so that life continues. This is one of life’s most noble opportunities, even when it is played out at the animal level.

6:08 AM / 6:21 AM

Patience is a vital part of the process, and these experiences are teaching you just that. Timing is also critical, and you just missed a critical opportunity in the life sustaining process. So now you must be patient… but alert for the next chance. (Still, it is more important for you to be here with Me than standing down there, waiting for the opportunity.)

All life cannot be sustained. Death is necessary for life to continue, and you showed your understanding and acceptance of this in skinning the dead calf and making the flesh and bones available to others of your animals. One of your does has too many babies. You know this, but you shall feel sadness when one or more die. But you will allow their small bodies to be food for your friendly dogs. In small ways you can help death contribute to life.

Yesterday you heard a Witness as he shared with you some convictions from his faith. You did not counter some of his assertions with some of what I have taught you. In one sense you were right in not getting into an argument, but in another you missed an opportunity to share your path. I do not call you to go out on such an overt witnessing journey, but I do want you to share insights that I have shared with you. All truth is finally one, but the human mind, even in its finest form, cannot see all of the relationships in ultimate truth.

His theme was the traditional Christian one

6:39 AM / 7:04 (The interruptions have been relevant to the Teaching. Your patience and timeliness are paying off)

of earth life being full of sin and evil, with death being the means to a continued heavenly existence. I have told you that the purpose of life is spiritual growth, and that the length of a life is not important to this purpose. Death is the way out of one realm, and the way into another. When you go through a door you leave one place but enter another. The purpose is still the same.

SUN., MAR. 16, 1986, 5:42 AM

It may seem as though I am overdoing the teaching on this theme, but it is an area of your professional expertise… and it is an important aspect of spirit, and I am not satisfied that you know enough about this. This week past you have had several experiences with your animals that were combinations of life and death, and on these I must comment. The visit from the Witness was yet another stimulus for Me. You must compose your Ruminations this week, and I want to be sure you have . . .

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