Death… And Ongoing Life

TUES., SEPT. 17, 1985, 1:38 PM

Summer has “returned”, and you come for this time of teaching/learning at this pleasant, warm lakeside setting. Soon this whole area will change in appearance, for as the fall season comes the green gives way to other colors, and finally to the browns and grays of winter. There is much death as these seasons change, but much life will regenerate after the rest given by winter. You appreciate the rhythm of the seasons, and I want you to continue to appreciate the rhythm of on-going life here in the earth. You shall teach to this concept in many different ways, but it shall be part of all teaching that you do. This is My invitation, o son.

Yes, it is time to put together a Ruminations on this theme of Death… and Ongoing Life. You have resisted this, mainly because it inevitably raises the issue of reincarnation, and you are reluctant to lose readers who are strong Christians and, as such, are unsympathetic to antagonistic to such a “foreign” doctrine. Just know that you need not deal directly with this issue, but you will have some focus on eternal life, an important promise for Christians. You have devoted one entire letter to My sense of fun and humor, which is not a quality attested to by the Scriptures. You have alluded to free will and how most Western Christians believe in this without much direct Biblical support and with some big assumptions. So… “cover yourself” as much as you feel necessary, but prepare now for this as your late Fall theme.

The major thrust of your presentation on nuclear war must be this potential destructive effect upon on-going life. In wars thus far people have been killed, and buildings destroyed… even some plant life destroyed… but the conditions for life remain favorable, and so, over time, it regenerates. The effects of nuclear war seem to be much more devastating, with disruptions so great that My life-sustaining system could not recover to regenerate life. It is a true test of the human spirit – this possession of the capacity to render the earth lifeless. Can spirit, with a genuine concern for the good of others, even those deemed “enemies,” win out over the counter forces of greed and fear? Would a nation of many Christian (even among the leadership) destroy the capacity for life in order to maintain possessions, “standard of living,” and some partially true notions of freedom? Do I know how it will come out? That is not an appropriate question.

Death, of course, is a requirement for on-going life. One way or another, if there is too much life there must be the balancing force of death. This can be manipulated for some time, but eventually death must prevail… just so that life may continue as it should, with high quality, not simply mere existence.

You would like to produce all of your needed heat for this cool-to-cold season which approacheth from trees that are already dead. You would not want to kill a living tree for this purpose. Yet eventually you will have to do this, and the death and use of selected trees will increase the life capacities of those that remain. Our alternative is more use of a resource that is not renewable. It was formed from life that is long dead, but this process shall not reoccur. Be more aware of this as you choose between wood and kerosene this winter.

TUES., SEPT. 17, 1985, 1:38 PM

Summer has “returned”, and you come for this time of teaching/learning at this pleasant, warm lakeside setting. Soon this whole area will change in appearance, for as the fall season comes the green gives way to other colors, and finally to the browns and grays of winter. There is much death as these seasons change, but much life will regenerate after the rest given by winter. You appreciate the rhythm of the seasons, and I want you to continue to appreciate the rhythm of on-going life here in the . . .

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