Death And The Life Underlying

MON., AUG. 1, 1983, 5:35 AM

You have completed the first training phase of an important service to some fellow humans, o son. Your weekend was concerned with death, and you were rather “immersed” in that topic. Now it is time, then, to hear what I have to tell you about this “basic activity”. Eventually you shall do a Ruminations on this subject, though not in the immediate future. It is not yet time for such an “unveiling” of self in relation to Me. There shall be a time for that, but that time is not now.

Death is the end of life as it is defined in the earth. It is not so much that the body parts begin to die as that they cease regenerating. Physical life is a rhythm of dying and regenerating… dying and regenerating. Cells die. New cells take their places. Death… and life… and death… and life. When this new life ceases to generate, the rhythm shifts, and the deterioration you know as death occurs.

Actually, this is just appearance in the earth, for you do take on a spiritual body, which does the same thing in the spirit worlds as the physical body does in the earth – gives an identity to others, even to self. When your spirit is highly developed this is not necessary, but for most souls it is helpful. Since it mainly is for others it manifests itself in any way that is helpful to others in identifying you. I’ll not go into detail about that now.

The spirit lives on, of course, but its consciousness and activity in the next realm will vary greatly. To a large extent it is a matter of expectations around the time of death. The extremes are these: the person who knows that life continues and has accepted the reality of physical death usually bursts forth into full, beautiful consciousness (even when dying asleep or comatose)… and… the person who does not know that life continues or who even affirms that it does not will usually be in a state like sleep, from which awakening can be terribly slow. Yet the fundamental urge for the life of spirit is growth toward selflessness and enlightenment, and this force quickly or eventually brings the return of consciousness.

In some ways, death is like the end of a semester. The action is over. The tasks of teaching to help others achieve learning are completed, some satisfactorily and others not well at all. Grades have been assigned. Notes and materials can be put away. The patterns that were set for classes, office hours, and consultations are broken. There can be a time of “vacation”. Or… preparation can begin immediately for another semester… Or… there can be other work which also is challenging to the mind and spirit. Eventually the new semester begins, even if you are not completely ready for it.

Your relationship with Me and with the Christ is important. A strong active relationship with Me is full of Grace and tends to overcome karmic responsibilities and weaknesses. I accept you as you are, and as you realize this you come to accept yourself as you are. At the same time, if you have potential that is still undeveloped or that is hampered by events of life before close relationship with Me you may have an honest desire to achieve more development so that you can be of more and more effective service to Me.

MON., AUG. 1, 1983, 5:35 AM

You have completed the first training phase of an important service to some fellow humans, o son. Your weekend was concerned with death, and you were rather “immersed” in that topic. Now it is time, then, to hear what I have to tell you about this “basic activity”. Eventually you shall do a Ruminations on this subject, though not in the immediate future. It is not yet time for such an “unveiling” of self in relation to Me. There shall be a time for that, but that time is not now . . .

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