Death Is A Door

SUN., JUNE 2, 1996, 5:38 AM

Yes, o son, it is time to organize and compose a Ruminations for this Spring quarter, and the theme should be the one you explored before you even started this class, now completed. You found that though you had sent out two previous issues on this subject these were in 1985 and 1986, now ten years ago. Since that time I have offered you over 50 observations on this happening that is so popular and yet so opposed in your culture. With the success of this summer class still reverberating in your spirit you should have no real problem in balancing your comments with My words. Well, yes, selection from those many “sources” could be difficult. Consider selecting one from each year, with, then, a “wild card” or so.

It will be interesting to see how the perspectives for this latest class changed, during the course of the course. The group was strongly Christian initially, and affirmations of commitment to Me were abundant, orally and in papers. Was there even more preference for this Christian perspective, or were others now better understood and included more. (This would have been a good group with which to share your own eclectic perspective. In a way you did it in relation to Peter, but not yourself. If this is to be your last year leading learning in this area, consider a more direct expression of your personal blend of perspectives… and the significance of today’s title.)

The orthodox Christian perspective holds that each of you has only two life experiences. The first is as a human, born into the earth. This lasts from minutes into even over 100 years, with you, at 70, now approaching your national average, for men. When your body dies your soul is judged on its commitment to Me as the Christ and the Triune God and on the extent to which you lived as I taught, as Jesus. Then, according to that judgment, your soul spends eternity in either heaven or hell, with no directive in regard to further growth and development of that everlasting spirit. Death is a door that opens once and then closes once, for eternity.

This can be seen as a “fear approach”. If there is one judgment only and no chance for a “rerun”, with hell as your eternal residence, with all of the other unrepentant sinners and all others who have not accepted My Grace, then one surely should live in ways to avoid this everlasting punishment. The door opens. You go through. It closes again… period.

Now even though you are a Christian, and I have called you directly and personally to be such, even Presbyterian, I have given you a somewhat different story. Remember that I call you a mystic (even a junior grade one, now), which means that you hear from Me directly, and you are to learn from these Teachings, even as they may seem to be not in complete agreement with certain Scriptures. The Holy Scriptures are basic, but I cannot be limited to what certain good servants of Mine said, at least 2,000 years ago. At Pentecost I was unleashed. Those who spoke different languages heard the message I gave, through Peter.

I am not limited by these written Scriptures, nor by interpretations of them, however learned and sincere these may be. Part of the fun of being Holy Spirit is in sprinkling a few mystics around, to keep truth… and even Truth… up to date. It is not an easy nor a completely enjoyable task, but it is one for which I selected you… and to which you agreed, before you came in as Bob Russell.

For, yes, I do tell you that death is a door, but more like most doors, opening and closing more than once. Death is the unique door between earth and the many other spirit realms. Some of you have gone through this several to many times, both ways. You enter the earth as a baby, leaving most of what you’ve come to understand about life “on the other side”. But as your spirit matures it “remembers”, for spiritual progress toward enlightenment means that the door is no longer impermeable. In full enlightenment there are no doors, no limits. Grace is a “short-cut”, but realization is still a long process. Go for the light.

6:46 AM