Death Is A Maya

SAT., JULY 19, 1997, 7:15 PM

I come to you this evening, with thunder rolling on 3 sides, and I want to tell you that the class is going well, but I want you to be ready for “the end”. You are progressing well in understanding this theme. You don’t use this term often, but you understand and appreciate its meaning. Very simply, I’m reemphasizing the Truth that dying and death is “no big deal”.

This doesn’t mean that dying is always pleasant, for it can be painful and trying… but so it is with a good many non-dying life experiences. Much of the pain and anxiety comes because persons aren’t ready for the experience. If you are ready, it is as easy and simple as moving “from here to there”.

You, and many others your age or older, are fortunate, because there are as many or more souls that you know who are “on the other side” as are here. Some loves and friendships here have to be “put on hold”, but others, from earlier times, can be renewed, and re-enjoyed. If you follow My leadings over the next few years you shall be quite ready to move across just as easily as driving in from here to Carbondale. I’ll tell you, as I’ve hinted at before, that you are a fairly advanced soul, so you will be reunited with souls that you don’t remember now, from former “lives”, and this shall be a reunion that you shall appreciate much more than you can now. And you’ll think… “Why was I so reluctant?”

But you see that if you have a humanistic or even a more orthodox Christian perspective, you’ll more naturally focus on loss of relationship with “live” persons here OR be unsure of who will be waiting for you, of those you know have died before you. You have a much larger “pool” of friends, relatives, and relationships, and the previous earth relationship is of minor importance. For example, your uncle Emmett is not just your uncle, not very well known, but a wonderful, energetic spirit, free from earthly bonds. And your son Peter shall be the soul of Peter, not yet ready to return to the earth. (Remember, these are just relevant examples, not prophesies.)

With these 21 years of experience teaching this course that is now, finally, half completed, you are readier than most in your culture to experience this yourself. (And I’m not hurrying the process; you shall have the years of retirement that you desire, barring any accidents that I choose not to prevent.) I want you to appreciate each day, each season, each year of your continuing life, but I also want you to be “preparing” for the transition. Both/and. These are complements to each other, and not competitors.

As you have learned from the perspectives I’ve helped you develop and refine, you shall not only continue your consciousness, but shall find it to be quite enhanced. You shall be able to “hang around” here for “some time”, if you wish… or be any other place in the earth. You are “advanced” enough to warrant such experiences… as long as you’re not attached to what you’ve “left behind”. There will be competition from the spirit realms, so you may not want to return. I’ll just say that will be one of your options.

As the body and the brain shut down, from whatever quick or slow reason, the mind and spirit, with spirit clearly in charge, will expand and offer you more impressions, more memories, and more realizations than you can have now. You are aware of the losses in memory and in attention that you’re beginning to experience. This will continue to diminish in your earth life, so the contrast with the new, but eternal, balance will be ever more surprising… and spectacular.

As I’ve said, I shall help you to be ready for such a transition, so that it comes with anticipation rather than apprehension or fear. Paradoxically, you should find that this enlightened freedom in relation to the death experience shall also free you to live the years of life as Bob Russell in a very full fashion.

SAT., JULY 19, 1997, 7:15 PM

I come to you this evening, with thunder rolling on 3 sides, and I want to tell you that the class is going well, but I want you to be ready for “the end”. You are progressing well in understanding this theme. You don’t use this term often, but you understand and appreciate its meaning. Very simply, I’m reemphasizing the Truth that dying and death is “no big deal”.

This doesn’t mean that dying is always pleasant, for it can be painful and trying… but so it is . . .

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